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mai pic site and this other thing!!

mai picture site!!! ish corny thoe
this has most secular song lyrics


Okay so I had like a really good time since Friday until today and ish been like woah!! Hehe Okay so like first of all that CAT6 assembly was hilarious especially with bryan making all these comments it was hilarious and then I went to retreat with joy, P. RICH, frank, bryan, j-bay, deeboe and alex and it was a lot of fun I have a few pics on mai other site?ish on mai profile?and yeah we had a lot of fun especially with j-bay and deeboe we had sooo much fun!! Then when we got back to church we ate at this place I forgot what ish called but meeh and deeboe were like burning?and yeah?Hehe?and then yesterday I found out that imma become the s-5 next year and imma really happy about that?and today something really good happened and if your close to meeh enough I’ll tell ya about it?hehe?so if you think your worthy ask me?ahaha!! J/kj/k!! but seriously it was a lot of fun!!! So imma in a good mood ok people don’t ruin it?ahah?j/kj/k!!

above ish mai brother and meeh... i knoe i look like crap... so what that's hu i am if you don't wanna look at it... then cover it with your hand...

adn this ish mai dog... and if you don't like htis either... why are you even here?!?


hehe?today at school it was pretty fun?haha today during geometry jesse was being really weird?like he kept talking about his penis size?and like lilia had this protractor with the little indicator and like he kept asking why there was a penis on the protractor and lilia was like “it’s your penis?and jesse said “my, gosh I would love it if my penis was that big?and it was like not even three inches?it was quite disturbing?and then this dude in mai CATS class told me to shut up?and I don’t even know who he was?and it was stupid because it was an open discussion and he wasn’t talking and ish not mai fault he wasn’t talking and so jennie was like “excuse me are you telling mai friend to shut up?!??ahaha I heart you jennie?hehe?okay so I’m supposed to be going to this vocal coach, ierno?I think imma be okay by myself?I mean I don’t think I need to sing?but whatever?ahaha I larned the FRIENDS theme song on the guitar?and yes I am quite proud of myself?okay and not only that but ierno?I guess I had good times and like imma still all unemotional?ierno?*sigh~ ierno ierno ierno?imma just so happy that ish Friday and I can just rest some more?o crap I just remembered all this discipleship stuff I was supposed to do?crap?o well?okay so imma really bored? and imma really?nothing?imma as you say “void?ahaha!!!! Inside joke?aiight imma go?nite!!


okay?so today we had a BUSC ceremony?and it was really cool all these british people and all these VIP’s were there and we had to stand at attention and so people kept locking there knees and so like 3 people passed out?it was a lot of fun?even though I was totally surprised when they asked me to march it was really fun?and like hehe I was standing next to someone?hahahaha?for a really long time?but I moved?I moved a couple a times actually? But those few minutes were?wOw?he’s really really wowwowwowwowwowwowwowwowwowwowwow!!!! Hehe?okay?so hehehehehehehe I had so much fun ?o yeah ierno if neone ish even reading all of this but?ahaha okay?JOHN ISH SHALLOW AND ONE-DIMENSIONAL!!! Ahaha !! j/k?I guess?ierno really?are all guys like that?ierno?I g2g for now?nite!!!!!


... okay so i haven't written in a while... okay... so i have nothing to say... i mean i started school and it kinda weird... i feel really outa place...and everything ish sucking like wOah!!! ahaha.. o yeah that quote above... it doesn't go to neone... no one special in mai life... *sigh~ i've been like "captain don't waste food" i think imma becoming really like aware of poverty and stuff... i mean like... imma so relaxed and at the same time totally like stressed... i mean like i do nothing... but imma so stressed i can't relax i think imma go crazy... okay i g2g... if i stay like this for another week i swear i need prozac or that other thing like zoloft or something... ierno... i g2g... nite!!


ahaha imma kinda bored so i put in vcpc pics...ahaha okay then one more and no more... ahahaha... this one has john posing as "CHRISTIAN SUPERHEROES" at mai last vcpc retreat...and in the background are like a lot of people but mainly lonnie and sarah cho... and in the foreground you can see peter hwang's head... so yeah... they had just come back from a basketball game and were kinda pooped... so like i told you imma obssessed with mai little star click but another has come another one i tolied for... ahah okay put you cirsor to a link... ahaha did you see it!!!!! okay sowie imma like really "amazed" by technology... ahaha!! okay so we have bible study later today so i have to take a shower and stuff... yeah i still have 2 more weeks of break... imma erally bored but at the same time i don't wanna go back to school... i've been kinda sick lately i haven't even been going to intercession or JROTC and i odn't have a ride to go for the next 2 weeks so imma just be staing at home... *sigh~ well i guess ish okay... ahaah and i have to work on mai french HW she gave us one a week and i haven't doine ne so i have like 11 assignments to do... ahaha... but luckily she's the only one hu gave us homework... arG!!!! i hate high school!!!!! ahaha!! not really... well yeah i do... ierno... eheheheeh!!!okay then imma go cuz yeah imma go... okay then see yaz!!!!!!


heY~! imma over at lonnie's and imma waiting for a phone call... ahaha!!! i dunno why imma so happy... well imma not really happy... i need a buddy again... i really need someone i can tell all to and with me moving both churches and schools immma afraid i won't have that i mean no matter hoe friendly people are it doesn't make up for 14/15 years of your life... i mean ierno i need to be able to talk to someone and like be able to trust them 110% and i really don't know who that ish and imma feeling so weird... i mean i do see people from vcpc and from lawrence but ish different when you don't see them everyday or every week or whatever... i mean ahhh!!!!!! i think imma go crazy... neone wanna be mai buddY?!?! ahah if you do e-mail or IM me okay?!?!?! okay i got that phone call so imma go now!!!!!!!! ahahahahahahahahahaha!!! i've been working on mai bolt and i really want y'all to see it but you have to be a member to see thoe.. *sigh~ i g2g b4 i freak out!!! nite!!!!


yesterday the moment i got off-line i watched the bachelorette (hey i have no school there ish literally nothing to do but watch tv) and every since the first episode i've been rooting for ryan... cuz he's so hot... he's tall dark hair blue eyes... awww man!!! he's soOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo hot and imma so glad that he won!!! aha... and at the retreat debbie kept telling me that charlie won (it said that on the news or something)... and i was so sad... ahaha!! and hannah thought charlie would win.. but i knew that ryan would win... and he did!!!!!! you know what's really weird... ahah... okat remeber imma tv junkie... so imma watching Veritas (Mondays channel 7 @8pm) and there's a guy named ryan merriman... and he has dark hair and blue eyes too!!! his picyure ish the one up rite in to this block... o yeah he was on a disney channel movie called "the luck of the irish" ahaha!!! man i need to get out more all i do ish watch tv... and that's not good... ahah well i did go to the park the other day but ish so boring... newaiis neone wanna do nething... i don't go to school until the 6th (march) so i can do almost nething like at almost netime... so yeah...i think i need sleeping pills cuz i have insomnia or something ierno... ahaha!!! okay so you noticed mai ##'s changed for mai happiness (not joy, happiness... joy last forever while happiness ish temporary) okay so imma like kinda boycrazy... whatever i mean i am like only 15 what am i supposed to do... imma such a valley girl (and no imma not proud of it... but i am) *sigh~ so now imma watching trl and u knoe that band t.A.T.u are they lesbian... ierno if they're like just doing it cuz ish a good song, i mean the melody ish like wOw!! or are they like expressing who they are... ierno... o yeah trista and ryan are on trl rite now... i mean i just saw 3 specials on them today and it hasn't even been 24 hours since the episode aired... i mean wassup with that... but one i didn't watch was joe millionaire it kinda seemed stupid...ahaha!! there are so many songs stuck in mai head... okay so today i literally spent like 8 hours (ish like 4:30) watching tv and that is mai first time doing that (i promise) and so imma watching BET, MTV and VHI cuz they're like all in one row (channel 51,52,53) and they all play music and so on BET they would play "all i have" or whatever ish called (the one with ll cool jay and jennifer lopez) the go to commercial and then i turn to MTV and ish the same song then it goes to commercial so i go to VHI (cuz BET ish still on commercial) and "all i have" ish playing there too... and so VHI goes to the commercial break and MTV ish commercial too so you go to BET and ish "mezmerized" (ashanti and ja rule) then the same thing happens with that song as with the other songs and so those two songs were just playing over and over and imma so sick of THEM!!!!!!!!!!!! well... i g2g now... nite!!!
