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Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee..."

Welcome to my site. I began this as a memorial to our two babies lost to miscarriage, but also hope to include some useful information. Living in Russia during this latest miscarriage, I have especially sought out info to help me through my grief. It has been hard to be away from family and friends this time and so I have turned to the internet to find support.

If you have experienced your own loss, please accept my condolences. I know the grief those who have miscarried experience. I know that loved ones wonder what to say, what not to say.

I know that men grieve differently and so I have also included a special page about Men and Grief.

I hope you will find some useful links here. Please take a moment to view our memorials, as well as add your baby's name to our Babies Waiting in Heaven page.

Memorial to Evan I Memorial to Faith I Men and Grief I Babies Waiting in Heaven (add your baby) I Poems I Links

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Remembrance Day
In 1988, President Ronald Reagan declared October as National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Month. Please take a moment on October 15th to pray for those of us grieving our babies.
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Wendy's Backgrounds

Site began September 28, 2003

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