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David's Trading Site


       My name is Rod Lincoln,  and this is my webpage devoted to the preservation and dispersion of historical recordings of various musical performers.  To simplify that last sentence into something us 99% of the population can understand....I trade bootleg recordings of different bands.  Now I'm sure everybody is asking "Well Rod,  what is a bootleg and isn't it illegal".  Well then I'd say to that "a bootleg is a recording of a concert, rehearsal, or even a unreleased album that somehow makes it's way out to someone who puts it into a format that can be passed on to others to enjoy.  These concerts, rehearsals, etc.. were never really meant to be sold or distributed through 'proper channels' I.E. a record company,  as for the legalities of it I'll just say there's what's right and there's what's right and never the tween shall meet" 

    So now that we are all educated on the game of bootlegging we will get on to a few other points and then on to some trading.  First if you are new to trading or new trading with me please read my trading rules page,  I am easy to get along with and kind to new traders as I kinda am one myself,  So once you have familiarized yourself with my rules go to my boot page to see what I have.  Thanks for coming to my site and I hope you learned something, God forbid you forgot something by coming to my site, Enjoy and happy trading.


Rod Lincoln.

    P.S.  My name is actually David Cruise,  and not the aforementioned Rod Lincoln.  I just like that name better, sorry for any misunderstandings

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