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This is my first webpage so please any comments are welcome! I want everyone to enjoy my sweeties as much as I do.



                    Denim (about 3 ˝ months) and Terra (about 12 ˝ months)


I really enjoy going to other websites and looking at the dogs. I thought this would be a nice thing to do so that the breeders we got Denim and Terra from could also see how their puppies are doing. Terra was born May 9th, 2002, and came into our lives in July of 2002. We got her from and she’s wonderful! 








Terra is VERY energetic! I swear she NEVER gets tired! She enjoys going to the dog park. She LOVES to chase or be chased! She also enjoys going to the lake, but doesn’t like her head to get wet when she gets a bath….weird.

   Terra at 4 months


Terra seemed really sad so we decided to get her a friend. We were going to breed her but decided not to. That’s when we got Denim. He came into our lives in February of 2003. We got him from and now the two of them are very happy together!


Denim at 6 weeks old. Denim at 3 months.


Denim is the TOTAL opposite of Terra. He is way calmer and laid back. He is only 6 months old right now (07/08/03). But he doesn’t mind the water and enjoys the dog park too. But he LOVES the attention he gets from all the people at the park. Denim is VERY happy with Terra. They both love each other very much! XOXO










Here is Terra helping Denim to the backyard when we first got him.

We were planning on breeding the two of them but decided not too. It would be too hard to give the puppies away (I would have wanted them all to stay with us). Plus you have to worry about people buying them for ALL the wrong reasons! Just as all the other websites say, “PUNISH THE DEED, NOT THE BREED!


And to those of you that aren’t sure about getting an American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT). It is the best thing we did! They are really good with kids as long as you have children around them. But I do suggest that you do some research into this breed, I’m almost certain you will fall in love too! You just have to get past the “bad image” of the loving and loving animal that they are! Anyone can teach ANY breed of dog to get aggressive it all depends on the owners! Just keep that in mind when people try to tell you that they are bad.


Thank you for visiting! I will be arranging a photo album soon.