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Erin's Page

This is me and my car

This is a picture of my car that K made for me :)

v My car in the future v

If you haven't noticed by now I drive a Toyota Celica, and no the race car isn't mine (yet)! My Celica is white and has blue rims which look really pretty :) I have some things done to it like a front bumper which is not painted, and side skirts just chilling in my garage, so as you can tell by my description it needs some work. But anyway I can finish doing things to my car when I get a little thing called money $$ (ie-bling bling). This is my actual car...

Zodiac Sign-Cancer

I was born on July 4th...Cancer is emotional and empathetic. Those born under this sign are nurturing and protective towards friend's and family. Cancer has many moods and go from laughter to tears very quickly. Oh yeah that sounds like me!

<3 K and E <3

This is Kelly, my boyfriend. We have been together for a little over 6 months now and I love him very much. Although stupid people like to try to ruin our relationship we are doing just fine. Nobody has ever made me feel the way that he does and I don't want him to ever go away. Sometimes I wonder what I would do without him in my life, and to be honest that thought totally scares me. I know in my heart that we are meant to be together and that he is the perfect person for me. It's great to just finally smile about my life now, something that I haven't done for a long time. I find it funny that we have lived right down the street from each other for years and just recently got together..oh well I guess everything happens for a reason...I love you Kelly very much...

*My Special K*

Here's some younger pictures of Kelly and his puppies:)

And some more...

Aww, don't our cars look cute together?

*Love Among the Zodiac Signs*

K's birthday is on March 3rd, therefore he is a Pisces. Few conflicts arise between Cancer and Pisces. From other's view the relationship between these two signs may look like a mess, but from the inside everthing is just fine.

BEWARE OF DOGS!!!! These are Kelly's dog's Olivia and Peyton..they weigh like 3 pounds each and stand about 2 feet high. Better watch out!

Another picture of Olivia...she's so cute...

Some beautiful fairy pictures...


I go to college at Penn State, York Campus. Although I am finally going to college, I really don't know what I want to do with my life. But I think that I am going to go for a four year degree in business (sounds like good money to me!) I hated hight school so bad and I was really concerned about going to college, but let me tell you college is a great experience and I hope it takes me very far.


This is Erika, she's a cool chick from New York. I met her because I was trying to find an old friend, and although I haven't found that friend I did make a new one. I appreciate all her help...

Jonah BEFORE the army.....and AFTER.....

Yep this is Jonah. I became friends with him through K, and he's in Korea right now. J is a cool kid, and I hope everthing goes well for him in the army.

~~~~This place is evil~~~~

I don't want to piss anybody off or get in any trouble so I will keep this short..I used to work here and I don't anymore. My life is so much less stressful now. I work at Sheetz now and I really like it.

My favorite lyrics at the time...

Cold, Suffocate- "I could take every fucking word she says and throw it her face..I could take every fucking game you play and blow it all're such a fake it's true, I can't believe the words you say."

Finger Eleven, One Thing- Restless tonight, cause I wasted the light. Between both these times I drew a really thin line. It’s nothing I planned,and not that I can, but you should be mine across that line. If I traded it all, if I gave it all away for one thing, just for one thing. If I sorted it out, if I knew all about this one thing wouldn’t that be something? I promise I might not walk on by maybe next time but not this time. Even though I know I don’t want to know yeah I guess I know I just hate how it sounds.

Chad Kroger with Santana, Why don't you and I- "Since the moment I spotted you like walking around with little wings on my shoes. My stomachs filled with the butterflies,and it's alright. Bouncing around from cloud to cloud, I 've got this felling like I'm never gonna come down. If I said I didn't like it, then you know I've lied.

BT, Dreaming-"No words, no talk, we'll go dreaming. No pain, no hurt, we'll go dreaming. Walk with me, the future's at hand, here with us, here where you stand. We both know the power of pain, we get back up and start it again. With new hope, no place for tears, leave behind those frozen years. Come with me and we'll go dreaming. We don't know how it can be, searching out dignity. Nothing can be as savage as love, one taste is never enough."

Staind, So Far Away-"Now that we're here, it's so far away, all the struggle we thought was all in vain, they all finally start to go away. Now that we're here, it's so far away, and I feel like I can face the day. I can forgive, and I'm not ashamed to be the person I am today"

Aww this kitten is so cute!

Great Quotes

"Do you want me to tell you something really subversive? Love is everything it's cracked up to be. That's why people are so cynical about it. It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for. And the trouble is, if you don't risk everything, you risk even more."-Erica Jong

"Learn as if you were going to live forever. Live as if you were going to die tomorrow."-Mahatma Gandhi

"Consider how hard it is to change yourself and you'll understand what little chance you have in trying to change others."-Jacob M. Braude

"Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret."-Ambrose Bierce

"Know what's weird? Day by day, nothing seems to change, but pretty soon...everything's different." -Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes

"I hope life isn't a big joke, because I don't get it."-Jack Handey

"We all want what we can't have. Then, once we have it, we take it for granted. It's only once we've lost them again that we realize their value. Don't take the small things for granted, because the next thing you know, they're gone."

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Well I am getting really tired now......I hope everyone liked my little project, and if you didn't then SCREW YOU! (Just Kidding.) I will add more to this when I get some updated pictures...

Love. You Truly Desire Love. You long for someone
to hold you and take the pain away. You haven't
been in much relationships or you need to work
on how to handle them. You always seem lost in
a daydream about the person you care about

What Do You Truly Desire? *PICS*
brought to you by Quizilla

you suck, and that's sad ~I took this quiz called "Which Happy Bunny Are You?" and this is the result lol

I just thought this was a cool picture.