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Random thoughts of a simple woman...
Tuesday, 13 April 2004
Poor kitty...
I am picking my kitty up from the vet today... he not only got declawed... but neutered as well. I feel so bad, he lost his manhood and his defense all in one day :( Maybe he won't hate me forever???

Posted by blues2/cblueh2o at 9:23 AM CDT
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Saturday, 10 April 2004
Can I just say.. I had fun today with my gf's family at the aboretem... the flowers were beautiful!!!!


Posted by blues2/cblueh2o at 4:11 AM CDT
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Thursday, 8 April 2004
Another day in Dallas...
So today I worked until 6... then decided I would go buy myself a weedeater... I didn't think I would ever actually buy one.. but I did.. yep... sure did! Even got the gas for it. Maybe I will wake up tomorrow and do a little yard work. I guess it is a good excuse to work on my tan too.

I also have to go on a picnic with my gf's family. We are going to some "garden park" I think it is called an aboretoreum... Gonna have a picnic with the family! I am actually going to meet part of the "extended" family.

Well... I am off to see more movies.. just can't get enough of them...

See y'all later!!!

Posted by blues2/cblueh2o at 9:02 PM CDT
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Sunday, 28 March 2004
Time flies...
Well...sorry I have been gone so long... been busy moving and getting settled. Not much has changed... house is great...

I actually went to a couple clubs last night... Buddies.. it sucked... TMC.. too many old hairy gay guys... and then the Village.. a nice spot I might add... Except some gay guy was dancing with me and I think he may have actually tried to kiss me... that would have been gross!!!

Well... going to go see a couple movies.. got to get caught up...

Talk to myself soon...

Posted by blues2/cblueh2o at 7:07 PM CST
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Thursday, 11 March 2004
Why do I have to have drama????
So... this week has been as normal as a week of which you move could be... but today... my gf had to get all emotional because I wouldn't let her help move my big dresser... It is huge... it could have hurt her. Don't you think it is nice that I didn't want it to fall on her? Then she started moving things upstairs that are suppose to be downstairs. So I asked her to wait to move things until I got to see what is in the boxes. I thought this was reasonable.. apparently not!! Anyway... I am tired... more moving tomorrow...

Nighty night!

Posted by blues2/cblueh2o at 1:16 AM CST
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Sunday, 7 March 2004
Another weekend I survived...
So here it is... Sunday night! I had another fun and festive weekend at work. It is amazing to me how so many church going people can get upset for the littlest things... I work in a movie theatre by the way... I actually had someone ask me "what the hell is going on" as they were standing in a sold out theatre of Passion of the Christ... now come on...what is up with that?

Outside of work... I got to go over to my gf's house for a bit tonight... had dinner. Her mom is still adjusting to her daughter being gay... and she is doing very well I might add... She may actually even take my microwave (since I won't be needing it much longer) What next??? She likes me... she just doesn't like that her daughter is gay... go figure!!

Well.. off to packing.. don't you love moving!! And all this to be one exit north of where I live now... but hey... its a house!

Posted by blues2/cblueh2o at 11:17 PM CST
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Saturday, 6 March 2004
There has got to be a start...
Well here it is... I am now going to let people into my simple little world... or at least it seems simple on the outside. For someone who has a boring life... I sure have a lot going on... so sit back and enjoy the ramblings of a simple woman...

I guess I will start with recent events... I am currently in the process of moving one exit north of where I am currently living in Mesquite. For the past year I have lived in a tiny one bedroom apartment, but now I am moving into a huge house with three other lesbians. There is the couple, the single older woman, and then me... Only one more month living by myself. Not really sure how I am going to handle roommates... but thank god they are cool. As far as romantically... just had my 6 month anniversary with my gf. In lesbian terms... that is a lifetime. As far as work... I am going for a promotion... 27 other people from all over the country want the same position... but I think I will have to be optimistic about this one... I MUST GET THIS JOB!!

Speaking of job... maybe I should get some rest now... the boredom is starting to set in...

Posted by blues2/cblueh2o at 1:46 AM CST
Updated: Saturday, 6 March 2004 1:57 AM CST
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