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Cam society

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Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to me and my freind's page. This page will most likely talk about us and our weird habbits. If you are asking yourself why the title of our page is called cam society, We have a reason. Me and my freind were hyper one day so we made a society called : $#Cam society#$ The society name is cam because me and my freind names starts with "Cam".Our names are Camille and Camelia. I know, you might think we are weird right now, well your right we are very weird( in the good way that is...). Were not ashamed of it though.

Annywayz back to me and my freind, if you want to join the cam society just for fun email us at:

By the way, if you want to assign for a post, for example: president, secretary.... email us( This is just for fun, dont take it seriously, were just teen's who like to be weird and have fun). Adios!!! Amigas and amigos!!


Camille's Idol (sweet)                                                                                                  Camelia's Idol (HOT)