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Merry Christmas!

'Twas just days before Christmas,

and my teeth, they did chatter,

for snowskiing naked is no laughing matter.

The townspeople gasped, and all screamed in fear,

for I was coming straight at them, and loaded on beer.

My schmeckle is frozen, I thought as I went,

it is pruny and twisted, and besides, it is bent.

I approached the town quickly, and started to laugh,

'till I broke through some barbed wire, and rear ended a calf.

I swirved and he twisted, as we both ran amuck,

but alas, it was no good, the poor thing was stuck.

A more grizzly picture, no one can remember,

than a fat naked redneck, with a calf on his member.

I came to a stop, in the center of the crowd,

and could not help laughing, and laughing out loud!

I pulled the poor calf off, and let it run free,

but I was laughing so damned hard, I started to pee.

I stepped up to a lady, she knew not what to do,

and so gently I kissed her, and simply said "Moo."

Looking into her wide eyes, I thought I saw lust,

but she then keeled over, and died of disgust.

I was quickly arrested, and thrown into a cage,

and that , my dear friend, is the end of this page...

Play Music


December 21, 2003

©copy right, Perriwinkle Productions, 2003