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Andrew Bryceten :o)

Hello! I'm Andrew and I hope you'll enjoy my webpage! My mommy will help me occassionally update it. Now - a little about myself...

I was born April 28th, 2002. I was a month premature. I was jaundice and had a BiliBlanket for almost a week after I came home. At 6 weeks old, I was diagnosed with SVT - a heart condition. I was in PICU in Johnson City, TN for a week. When released, I was on Digoxin for a year. Now, thankfully, the SVT is under control. I have 4 doctors so far - a cardiologist, a dermatologist, an optometrist, and a pediatrician. My mommy tells me that a dentist will be added soon.

When I was born, I weighed only 5 pounds, 12.6 ounces. I was 19.5 inches long. Now - at 2 years old - I'm 36 inches tall and weigh 35 pounds.

I like to play outside ALL the time! I like to swim, swing, slide, play with the dogs, drive my little go-kart, play with my mommy and daddy, play with my momaw and popaw, play basketball, play ball, play in the dirt, play with rocks and sticks - I like all the basic little boy things!

I also like Dora the Explorer, the Care Bears, Blue's Clues, commercials, American Idol (especially Clay Aiken!!!), Gospel music (my big cousin Bernard is my favorite!), The Country Bears, lights, my mommy's keyboard, Elmo, bubbles, my EyeToy, my big goldfish, my hamsters (Munkey and Fluffy), KFC, Pizza (any kind!), Logan's (especially the macaroni and cheese! and salads with ranch dressing!), Eeyore, Nemo, and alot more!

Well, I hope you like my website and I hope you know a little more about me! Enjoy!

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Links :o)

My Original Babies Online Webpage
My MomMom's Webpage
NEW! A Picture Page!