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John M. Knox & Associates

Who Are We?

Dr. Knox has more than 25 years of experience in social, economic, and community research — as a consultant, a survey researcher, an academician, and a community facilitator. Much of his work has involved public policy research and/or issues related to economic and land use development, although his recent practice has also focused strongly on community indicators and program evaluation. While a large part of his consulting career has dealt with aspects of resort development in Hawaii, he also has substantial expertise in other land use issues (including energy projects, recreational communities, and commercial development) ... public policy planning and program evaluation ... market research and feasibility analyses ... and community input to planning processes. His professional activities also took him to Guam and the Philippines in the 1990s. He developed Hawaii’s first full-service socio-economic impact consultancy, “Community Resources, Inc.,” which employed up to 10 people at the peak of resort development and planning activities in Hawaii during the early 1990s. Community Resources was known for excellence in both quantitative and qualitative aspects of its research activities and for its working partnerships with community groups facing major change and development. In early 1995, he sold the name and assets of that company, and he now functions as a sole practitioner (with the help of a network of associates as needed) under the renamed corporate identity “John M. Knox & Associates, Inc.”

John M.Knox & Associates specializes in research involving the following areas:

Our Most Recent Projects

Project Links and Other Links of Interest

Official Sustainable Tourism Project Site
US Census Bureau Home Page
Hawaii Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism
The Hawaii Tourism Authority