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The Cook's Family
The Cook's Family
The story of the Cook’s start back in 1989 when we really first meet. Dewain was driving the busses and I was pregnant at the time with my first child Johnny Daly Jr. from my first marriage (He was born on November 19, 1989). Dewain also grew up with my first husband John Daly. Later, Dewain left town and moved to Van Nuys California with his friends to see if their band Defender would make it big they played in some big name places and with a few big time bands. But, they didn’t make it which was a good thing for me because he came back to Ridgecrest then he got married to a girl named Lisa and then they divorced and John and I were divorced in 1999 and we meet again in January 2001 though Yahoo on the computer I was looking for a friend he was also and we started talking though email's then I noticed I knew him and then we meet in real life. After a while we feel totally in Love and started living together December 10, 2001 and on Christmas Day 2001 Dewain asked me to marry him and I said yes. He also gave me a 1997 Ford white Escort. We found out January 25, 2002 that we were going to be having our first Child September 30, 2002. Dewain and I decided to get married. We were married on May 3, 2002. Our Baby boy was born on September 20, 2002 he was induced cause I had been losing fluid since May and it was getting to low. In January, 2003 we had to trade in the truck for a newer truck (cause the dealer here, messed our other truck up and we couldn’t put the car seat in the back) so we got a 2002 Dodge double cab silver truck. Then May 30, 2003 we traded in the Ford Escort in for a 1999 Dodge purple Caravan so it will hold the whole family since we want to have one more child we needed something to hold five people. June 1, 2003 we moved into our Own Home. It is a 3 bedroom 2 bath house it looks like a little barn on the outside we have painted the inside in different color blues. The outside is white with dark green trim when we get the time and money the trim will change to a dark blue. It has a two car garage so they say. We now have 3 dogs and one cat and a few fish and a bird. In July 2004 we traded in the Purple van for a 2000 Ford converstion van it is a dark blue color some people say it is a dark purple color it has a t.v. in it and a v.c.r and we can put in the video games for when we go on trips for the kids to have fun and the back seat folds down to a bed. We are getting the property behind us so the kids have a bigger backyard to play in and when we have the money we can add on to the house. Johnny is a great teenager he is 15 and a half and graduating Junior High. He is Very Much into Drawing, Clays, Buliding Models, Now working with his Step-Dad in the WoodShop on the Wood things, He plays Violin, flute, and is learning to play bass and keyboards and we might if we can afford it by him drums for his birthday this year. He also loves to play with legos still it helps with his Imagination and loves to play with his two year old brother Jerimiah. Jerimiah is a normal two year old into everything. But, he loves and looks up to his Big-Brother so much he wants to be just like him and is so upset when he isn't home he will go to his room door and cry out his name alot. HE reminds me so much of Johnny at this age. Dewain is a great husband and father to both boys he says they are his boys not this is my son and Johnny he says they are my boys and he says it with pride. Johnny Loves Dewain also and He thinks of him as his dad and calls him dad. Dewain Plays in a band as a bassist and he is also the boss of the transit system in town. Dewain is teaching Johnny bass and also the woodshop system and safety.
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Dewain, Johnny, Jerimiah, and Mom
Dewain, Johnny, Jerimiah, and Mom 
Easter 2005, Taken at the Lancaster Mall

The Cook's Other Webpage

Comments (1) | Add a Comment

BEAUTIFUL story! I am SOOOOOOOOOOO happy for u!
Happy,healthy lives to you ALL. The universe at work!!!!!!!
LisAnne Becotte`
LisAnne Becotte` | | June 02, 2005