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Remembering Mike

I am making this page in honor of my brother in-law, my friend Mike. (Please keep in mind I am an amatuer, my first web site) I guess if you have ever lost a loved one, you know the feeling of wanting to keep the memory alive. I just dont ever want him to be forgotten. Although, I really dont think that would ever happen. Mike was quite a guy! I am sure all who knew him would agree. We lost Mike this past June 2003 unexpectedly. He was 22 years young. I would like to share a bit about him I guess, as I feel very fortunate to have had him in my life if even if it was too short of time. He is greatly missed by all who knew and love him! I would also like to include this poem I found ~ "In Our Hearts" We thought of you with love today, but tht is nothing new. We thought about you yesterday and days before that too. We think of you in silence, we often speak your name. Now all we have are memories, and your picture in a frame. Your memory is our keepsake with which we will never part. God has you in his keeping, we have you in our hearts. (I am unsure of the author) Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again! Make sure and visit Mike's page (My lame ass page) to learn a bit about Mike, it is a cool page to check out if I may say so myself! (I am still working here, so bear with me.. I am also hoping ot get more pics on!)

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