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"I have the Most Exciting Job in The World. I Program Human Minds to Excel. I TEACH."

I cannot think of any profession that is more challenging both mentally and physically than teaching. Indeed, being an educator is an exciting occupation. There is never a dull moment. Every single day one is faced with unique problems, some are solvable, yet some are hard and stubborn. The rewards are really great however. Think about it, where in the world would one get a job that pays for talking to an audience who are mostly obliged to listen. Wait, there is more. What they listen to, they carry around probably for the rest of their lives. They apply its methods and ways in their personal interactions. Best of all they believe that what one says is Gospel truth! Yes, I am a part of every single student that once sat and listened to me or ever have read my works. This is DANGEROUS don't you think??

As an educator I have followers that are more faithful to me than fans to rock bands. I have powers that presidents don't dare to dream of (I make presidents for God's sake!). I start revolutions. I topple thrones. I establish justice. I make tyrants then inspire the masses to bring them down. I have the power of turning lives around or turning them over. With me, you embark on journeys to where no one has gone before. My magical powers can turn Robbin of the Hood into Robbin Hood. I shape dreams and affect lives. I refurbish minds. Dare you cross me for then your future may be the price. Yes I am in the business of programming human minds whether I like it or not, and I better be careful lest the program won't function.

Teaching is a great responsibility. Every single word that one utters has an effect on somebody some where. Students are a non-suspecting audience. They come to class with the pre-notion that what the teacher says is the ultimate truth. Granted, few will challenge the authenticity or may be the validity of instruction because of rebelliuos or inquisitive motives, yet the majority will not. It is on this later group that the grave impact of the spoken and written word is manifested. Those loyal subjects who don't doubt the teacher for a moment are whom to be shepherded. The inquisitive few, however, are a teachers light house for they steer him in the right path,keep him humble and beacon his views.

The classroom is a laboratory where minds are constantly undergoing experimentation. The mind is the greatest gift from the Devine to mankind. Educators are entrusted with that precious entity. As such, the one who teaches has a tremendous responsibility toward the Almighty. I believe that educators will be held to a stricter code on judgement day. After all, they were the ones who initiated all the good and perhaps instigated all the bad that mankind has indulged. They trigger the minds that think and shape these thoughts.

My views about education stem, to a great extent, from Islamic Tradition. In Islam seeking knowledge is a must. It is obligatory that every moslem seeks knowledge from the cradle to the grave. There are many beautifull verses in Al-Quraan that encourage seeking knowledge. For example

" Those truley fear God, among His servants, Who have knowledge (the scholars)For God is exalted in might, oft-forgiving" Fatir-28

It was also narrated that Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said:

" The Scholars inherit the prophets" indicating that Prophets bequeath knowledge (earthly and heavenly) to scholars and learned ones.

"The ink of the scholar is holier than the blood of a martyr"

" The best among you is the one who seeks knowledge and then teaches that knowledge"

"One remains knowing as knowledge one keeps seeking, yeah if one thinks that one is all knowing, knowledge one has not"

These were some of the words that shaped my views about the process of teaching and education in general. Teaching is an exchange between student and teacher. More often the roles are interchanged. I teach to learn and my students learn and teach me at the same time. What a job?! to get paid for enhancing my knowledge. Its a very humbling process, a process that keeps one always in touch with God and his greatest creation of all, Man.

My philosophy is based on the belief that efficiency of teaching and clarity of communications are two essential traits of a good instructor. Indeed, a good teacher will recognize the modality of learning of his students. Effective instruction hinges on the conviction that information is processed in distinct ways that are as unique as the recieving individual. In fact, I doubt that any two individuals would process the same information identically. I guess that is part of our natural diversity and uniqueness. Thus a variety of delivery methods are normally called for in a classroom setting. Indeed, diversity in the method and style of instruction should be attempted to accommodate different styles of learning.

Lesson contents should,in general, be tuned to those students of average abilities. On the other hand, part of the content should address exceptional students. After all, progress is normally achieved due to the inovation of those talented individuals who once where inspired by exposure to advanced concepts. I firmly believe that a good teacher should inspire his students to learn and challenge their intellectual abilities. As in the case of lesson content, assessments should be designed to reflect the true abilities of the students. I am always yearning for that student who will brilliantly tackle an open ended problem, solve it with confidence and, proceeds to optimize his solution more than once. That student is the bread and butter of research. He is an essential instrument of progress.

A good instructor should be self aware of the competency of his students. He should monitor their comprehension level,the depth of their understanding and their utility in applying the fundamentals. You may wonder, why the fundamentals?? This is because, in my opinion, strong fundamentals bread innovative solutions and concepts. Remember, innovations are fueled by exposure to non-traditional problems. These problems, in general, donot yield to conventional practice (that's why they are a problem in the first place). So, one have to go back to first principles for a solution.

In this time and age students are polarized by many influences outside the academic environment. Further, prospective generations of students are of different nature, they were born in the digital age. They multitask and access different mediums for informaion (mainly on line). In light of that environment traditional teaching methods are pretty much obsolete to say the least. One thus have to be resourcefull and innovative. That is very mind challenging and that is what makes teaching exciting.

I believe in diversity in the classroom. That is diversity of students and diversity of ideas. All in all, ideas should combat ideas and thoughts should combat thoughts. When all is said and done only a good idea would reject the bad one, survival is for what establishes the greater good regardless of how glamorous a bad idea might seem at the time. I believe in the power of the human brain don't you ??