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IR Dating Advice

A Picture is worth a thousand words! Include a pic of yourself in your ad profile. More exposure leads to more responses from other members. A clear quality picture is more appealing. Choose a photo of just one person – you!   (GIF or JPG 100K or less)   Show off how you look on an average day. Smile!   (Be modest - Avoid nudity) Save some surprises for later. 


True Stories

 Re: A question... 
Whatever happened to manners? 
... The Internet is new to the masses in society. There is no social structure, or "tradition" or pattern to follow on the internet. We are socially "on the bleeding edge" so-to-speak. - we have to learn this new culture - (we meaning "people") in eSociety. I've a suggestion for the "men" and the new social eCulture... 

Books on Interracial Relationships

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