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Welcome to my first anime graphic homepage. I spent _so_ much time doing this, and even the loading page picture took hours to do. Well, one hour or so. Therefore, I don't think I need to tell you to NOT TOUCH them. Graphics editing took _so_ much time. It's a beautiful page, don't you think? *sniffs happily* I'm so happy it finally looks beautiful enough to be worthy of my beloved viet dynasty.

~*^~*^~Viet Dynasty~*^~*^~
Everything you will ever need to know about Soujirou-sama!

The strong survive, the weak just die.

Quote is courtesy of Shishio Makoto, but I'm much more enticed when Soujirou-sama says it in that _gorgeous_ voice of his. ^______^ No bias ^^.
Please submit your works devoted to Soujirou-sama today! ^__^

These are not tears...I do not cry...perhaps the rain is falling?

These are not tears...I lost mine, long ago...I locked them away behind a smile.

Words courtesy of Ashfae's beautiful poem, "Soujirou". (Yes, that's the one I did for declamation in my English class.)
*starry eyes* I could never get tired to staring at his face. You understand, don't you? ^_~

Kimi wa yowai kara mousugu boku ga keshiteageruyo kitto...

aoi honou ga ima koori no naka de shizuka ni moeru...

Translations for the above Japanese reads "I will soon erase you, because you are weak, surely. Now, blue fire will burn quietly in the middle of ice." Courtesy of his breathtaking single, "Innocence." (God, I _love_ that song. ^^).
Welcome to my altar. ^_____^ Anything and everything you can find here. Silly nonsense and not so silly things. And you meet the face behind the computer which up to now has just been the demonic Miko trying to force you to worship her great TenKen-ness. ^^ Which you should, anyway. =P

If what you say is right, why didn't anyone protect me?

Quote is courtesy of my wonderful Soujirou-sama, and a heartbreaking one at that. *sniffles* No one _ever_ protects him...then everyone he ever knew and did not kill and might have actually _liked_ (if he knew what that word meant) died...>_< He seems to always get the short end of the stick.
Credits, updates, linkage, contact me, layout archive. You know the drill. All the stuff most people could care less about. ^____^ I know the only things I ever visit in this section regularly on ANY site is the updates. ^^

Linking me
^_____^ Sign the guestbook? Pretty please? ^^ I'll love you forever and worship you if you do! =P *cough* Yeah, that's a blatant lie.

Sign/View the guestbook (and tell Soujirou-sama how much you appreciate his great TenKen-ness!! ^_____^
August 20, 2000

I'm alive! ^____^ Despite the lack of updates on this page, I'm already revamping it. That first layout just was not acceptable for my beloved Soujirou-sama!! ^____^ And I was working on Third Views =P But now I'm back to devoting all my time to the one I love the most, my Soujirou-sama!
So far, only this main page and all its layers and the splash page is up. >_< I'll work harder~~! ^^

<<past updates
June 30, 2000

BWA HAHAHAHA!!! I DID IT!!! For the sake of Soujirou-sama, I finished the "Voice of the Heavens" AND the "Truths" page!! ^_^ And I fixed up a few typo's I saw here and there and some other things. I have a guestbook up and running, but I want to make a graphical link to it before I link it to the front page. I'm so proud of myself! I'll relax in California and then I'll come back here and start cracking on his image gallery. ^_^ Teeheehee. I'm so happy all this is going along so wonderfully! The whole "In this world..." section is done. *dreamy-eyed* I can still hardly believe it! Yatta yatta yatta! I'll shut up now...

June 28, 2000

I put up the "Smile" page and I revamped the "Blank Mask" page. I'm actually attempting to be a decent updater of the updates page. I'm killing myself trying to think up of a layout for the "Truths" page (which will correspond with the word "Just" in the "In this world..." section). I've already got a layout in mind for the "Voice of Heaven" (corresponding with the word "die"). Maybe I'll do that first. Once "In this world..." is finished, I'm doing the image gallery next because my friend wants to see it so bady. =P I've rambled on enough, I think. Oh, yes, no updates for a while because I'm taking a trip to California with Soujirou-sama from July 1-9.

June 25, 2000

Yes, I'm a very erratic updater of the update page. ^_^ I should have about 9 different update entries in here, but I lumped them all under one. But I doubt _you_ guys mind. ^_^
I put up the Blank Mask Page, TenKen page, In the rain... page, and the Broken page. ^_^ I HATE DHTML SCROLLING SCRIPTS!! I will not even BEGIN upon the torture I've suffered at the hands of that script. But um, just to warn you, there's a bug in the script (not my fault, of course) for the Broken page, but everything works _just fine_ despite the error. So please ignore it if you can.
I'm off to finishing Soujirou-sama's wonderful psychology analysis now. Oh, yes, and I touched up the index pages for "In this world", the splash page, and the shrine front page. Um...and I discovered there was no link back to the shrine index from the miscellaneous links!! So of course _that_ is fixed up...ah yes, and "" exists now!! It directs you to this page!! Awesome, ne??

June 17, 2000

I actually did all right on my finals even though I spent no time in preparation for them since I was working on this page. ^_^ Isn't Soujirou-sama so sweet to me? *starry eyes*
*cough* But moving on, I made the index page for the "In this world..." info section. I'm going to start right away with the subpages of that section.
*cough* But um, I'll have more updates later - you can be _sure_ of that!

June 10, 2000

I *really* should be studying for my finals and doing my plethora of homework, but honestly, just _what_ could be more important than Soujirou-sama? Nothing, of course! Anyhow, I'm working on putting up all the miscellaneous pages so I can start working on the _actual_ pages...
I don't like the miscellaneous page, but until I can figure out how to do it without using in-line frames since that evil Netscape browser doesn't support it, *sigh* the whacked up page will have to stay. *sigh* I hope it's ok anyway? Ne, Soujirou-sama, it's alright, _RIGHT_? *glares at him*
Soujirou-sama: *sweatdrop* Of course, Miko-sama! *smile smile smile smile smile*
^_^ Teeheehee! I knew it was ok! *cough* At any rate, I'm sure I'll have more updates later...

<<current update
Written contents all belong to me on this page, unless otherwise noted (i.e. Fan/fic by others, manga translations, Soujirou-sama's quotes, lines, etc.). Fanfiction belongs to their respective authors as do fan/art.
As for Soujirou-sama, he must be credited to his wonderful creator, Watsuki Nobuhiro-sensei. As for the anime/manga he belongs to, Rurouni Kenshin, that must be credited both the the creator, the aforementioned Watsuki Nobuhiro-sensei, and to Jump Comics, Shueisha, Sony Pictures Entertainment, and Fuji TV.
Another BIG thank you to the wonderful Hidaka Noriko who did his wonderful voice! I _must_ credit this unbelievable seiyuu, for without her, this shrine to my TenKen-sama might have never existed. ^^ This page, of course, was _not_ made for _any_ profit. This is _purely_ because of my own necessary duty as Soujirou-sama no Miko, and therefore, please do not sue! Imagine the _horror_ of me being _absolutely_ broke without a _penny_ to use to worship his TenKen-ness! Isn't that awful? Please take pity on a Miko who _really_ has no substantial money and needs every bit of the tiny amount that she does have to worship his great TenKen-ness.

I need to pay a huge thank you to The Soujiro Shrine ^_^ for being such a wonderful source for graphics, doujinshi, song translations, song romanizations, and what-not. It's a splendid shrine in every way, so please do visit it!

Thank you also goes to, my beloved homepage, for helping me so much in finding various sites for my Soujirou-sama's sake.

Thank you must be paid to Maigo-chan and to her site maigo-chan's Rurouni Kenshin Manga Translations for translation the superb volumes of Soujirou-sama and the making of his intriguing character. ^_^

More thank you must go to Hitoshi Doi for his site Seiyuu (voice actor) database where he archives a _very_ complete information site on every seiyuu you've heard of and many more you haven't. ^_^

Thank you again to Rurouni Setsuna just for being a wonderful person in supporting me through the creation of the shrine.

And what kind of person would I be to leave off Juny, my other friend who scanned so many of the Soujirou-sama pictures and helped me with a certain damn script? Visit her website _now_ at scatterpetals.

And I absolutely couldn't leave off EZKILL1125, another friend of mine, who took the trouble of getting to me Adobe Photoshop AND making many many banners for this site. ^_^

Ah yes, and also thank you to Project Oro for the credits. But seriously, this site has so much more Kenshin stuff, so go _now_.
Do _NOT_ steal _MY_ writing, such as episode summaries, manga summaries, profiles, or things such as that. You _cannot_ so don't ask to use them. LINK to me WITH PROPER credits if you want to so badly AFTER politely asking me.
My images can be taken no problem _UNLESS_ I scanned them (or a friend of mine did for me) myself in which case credit _must_ be given *glare glare glare glare glare*. As most of them came from The Soujiro Shrine ^_^, I recommend you link that page just out of courtesy.
Fan/fiction _cannot_ be taken without permission from the author, and same goes for fan/art.
Beyond that, enjoy this website. If I neglected to mention a point of netiquette in regards to the usage policy, please use common sense and obey it. Otherwise, Soujirou-sama will have to hunt you down and TenKen you.
The Soujiro Shrine ^_^ - An extremely thorough shrine to Soujiro-sama with fanworks (fan/art galore! Yatta!!) and an _extremely_ useful image gallery with _so_ many kawaii pictures of him! Teeheehee! So many of my images were edited from images I took from her image gallery. ^^ And there's a nice page for Okita Soushi-sama, Hidaka Noriko-sama, and everything else! _DO_ visit this page. ^_^
innocent smile - A very attractive shrine to Soujirou-sama stored on a SSDG site! Yes, SSDG is the domain group belongs to, and I had no idea other people liked Rurouni Kenshin and knew about my Soujirou-sama. At any rate, this site doesn't have much up yet, but it's looking quite promising and is worth a visit at any rate.
Seta Sohjiro's Room - A big site to Soujirou-sama that seemingly has a lot of content. It's design is quite cute as well. The only thing that _might_ present a problem? I don't actually know much about the content about this site because it's in Chinese! Teeheehee, yes, my computer doesn't support Chinese and, um, I'm too lazy to d/l the software so that it. can ^_^
The Crossroads presents: Seta Soujiro - If you're looking for a short page that concisely explains Soujirou-sama, this is the page you're looking for. Not ornate or long, just a simple page that has a few pictures of him and briefs over his life.
smile from a HITOKIRI - Another beginning shrine to Soujirou-sama. ^^
Soujirou Seta Shrine - Many wallpapers. ^__^ That, and some other content. ^^
maigo-chan's Rurouni Kenshin Manga Translations - I _love_ this site. I think this is the site that made me fall in love with Kenshin and eventually Soujirou-sama. ^_^ I spent like a weekend doing _nothing_ but gulping down chapter after chapter of Rurouni Kenshin. ^_^ And then of course I got my lovely Kenshin TV series...but anyway, enough of my history with Kenshin. Just go to this site for translations up to vol. 21 or so.
Serizawa Kamo's Rurouni Kenshin Translation Index - links to all the pages that store collectively all the translations to the 28 volumes of Kenshin. I prefer Maigo-chan's translation over all of them, though. ^_^ This site also has translations to other things for Kenshin. Rather than list them, just _GO_ and find out for yourself. ^_^
The Battousai Shrine - Yes, I do in fact like characters besides Soujirou-sama. This shrine was very inspiring to me to create this Soujirou-sama shrine. I love this page, and I like the Battousai a lot, too (though not as much as Soujirou-sama). _PLUS_ this page has the _only_ section dedicated to Tomoe-sama that I have found, and I _adore_ Yukishiro Tomoe-sama. ^_^ GO NOW and worship the Battousai AND Tomoe-sama.
Project Oro This site has so much Kenshin stuff - excellent profiles and fighting technique synopses and music-reated stuff, so go _now_. - Houses many other sites I have running in addition to many other wonderful anime/manga related sites. You _have_ to visit it. ^_^ - My beloved homepage, which I visit at least, like, 10 times a day. _SO_ many great links on it.
Thank you for wanting to link me, teeheehee! You may choose to do it by using text or else a banner or else a button. I'll make more buttons and banners when I have the time, but for now, there's several banners EZKILL1125 has nicely done for me and the always useful text link.

To do the text link, simply copy this code in:
‹a href="" onmouseover="window.status='Smiling in the Rain: A Shrine to Seta Soujirou-sama'; return true" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true"›Smiling in the Rain: A Shrine to Seta Soujirou-sama‹/a›

The effect will be this:
Smiling in the Rain: A Shrine to Seta Soujirou-sama

Obviously, inserting font tags and messing with the style sheets will change the appearance of the link.

As for banners or buttons, please save the preferred banner/button and use the following code (modified, of course, to suit your needs):
‹a href="" onmouseover="window.status='Smiling in the Rain: A Shrine to Seta Soujirou-sama'; return true" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true"›‹img src="name_of_image_goes_here.whatever_format_is_of_image" alt="Smiling in the Rain: A Shrine to Seta Soujirou-sama" height="height_of_image" width="width_of_image" border="0"›‹/a›

The following banners were contributed by EZKill1125 and may be use. Click on the banner to view them in their full size and to save them. Otherwise, just save the thumbnails I have and they can be used as buttons. ^_^

Button 1

Button 2

Button 3

If e-mail is for submitting fan/fics, please send to Include an e-mail address, pseudonym/name, rating (G, PG, etc.), genre (angsty, comedy, etc.), and if the story is complete or not. Incomplete stories should be finished within 3 months. I hate clogging up my hard drive. Also, fan/fics should be sent in .txt, .htm format, preferably. I do have Word, but I _hate_ using it. So please, send in .txt or .htm unless there's _absolutely_ no other way. In fact, you can even send it via body of e-mail as long as if it is split into several e-mails, the parts are clearly labeled.

If e-mail is for submitting fan/art, please send to Include an e-mail address, pseudyonym/name, and a very brief description if possible (just a few words or less will do). Drawings are ONLY accepted in JPEG/JPG and GIF formats - NOTHING else, unless it's a link to an webpage containing the fan/art ^_^.

E-mails that are questions, comments, constructive criticism, flames (*cough* flamers, you might _really_ want to beware before trying send them at your _very_ own risk), and others ought to be sent to me at soujirousamanomiko@senshichi