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Labor relations page and bulletin board

Welcome to the UFCW members bulletin board and web site. This site is intended to give you the member a voice, a format to vent and or express ideas or grievances. I might take this chance to warn you that this is an almost entirely uncensored site. You might encounter American colloquialisms and or colorful metaphors, more than that the views and or comments represented are not always factual or indicate the administrators views. Anonymity is an important but optional tool, this is to protect you from being intimidated or retaliatory actions being taken against you by your employer or more unlikely,but to be fair, your union. When posting keep in mind that the media, government, and corporate representatives can and do observe this site both upon invitation and without. Any comments and suggestions about this site please send to the administrator Dick Sitowski or assistant administrator Mikey Fox and Suzanne Johnson. Their e-mail is at the bottom of this page.

|Cottage Industries | |IN THE RUNNING|
Bulletin Board | | Temporary Jobs Bulletin board |

The NEW Bulletin Board

There's a new bulletin board. This new one has some features that include spell check and HTML pictures. Also under construction that should be up in a few days, an area for temporary job postings for those on lock out or strike. Another section, by popular request, will be devoted to garage sale type items.

Other Links

New Bulletin Board
Temporary Job Bulletin Board
UFCW 555 Home page
Jim Hightower's home page
Message from bbs administrator
Michael Moore's home page
