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This is me, My name is Patricia... but my friends call me Trish.

I am 16 years old starting September 5th of 2002, I am in the 11th grade and I have a long life story that I could tell you about. There is so much to be said by this one person that I could tell you about. So many things you could never understand or even begin to understand about me. Not even my best friends could understand my whole life and what it's like for me. I have gone through alot as a child, I think I grew up too fast for my own good. I was forced to become an adult at an age that I wasn't ready to become. I didn't love myself, in fact I hated myself... I couldn't figure out why I wasn't happy, but I wanted and NEEDED to find happiness. Now to this day I am thankful that I have the friends that I do. They are one of a kind and I wouldn't ask for any different.

As a child I was very shy and timid. I never had any really close friends and I stayed by myself. My parents I guess tried to be there for me but inside something just wouldn't let me open up to them. My Grandma on my mom's side tells me when I was a little girl I would go and hide sometimes and just whimper, not crying aloud, and she never knew what I was crying about.

My parents used to fight alot and weren't too happy with each other at all. My dad worked at a Metal company and one day at work (I was only about 4 or 5 yrs old) a piece of steel metal fell onto his back and made one of his vertabre discs disentegrate, he still can walk but he is in pain to this day. He also has skin ulcers all over his body and we still haven't figured out what the cause of them are. It hurts me inside that I can't help him, that there is nothing I can do to take that pain away. And my mom had to leave school; she always wanted to be a coroner for some reason and was studying to become one but when that happened to my dad she was forced to leave school to provide for 3 children by working at a National Steel Corporation as a Spectrometer Operator. It isn't the best place for her to work because people get hurt each day but she does it so that we can food, shelter and life. She loves us enough to do that. In and out my mom's life is a routine go to work, come home eat and then sleep not even having time to spend a day with us. She works swing shift which also means she'll probably never have a good night's sleep for the rest of her life. She's irritable and moody a lot of times but I can understand why. If only she knew how much i loved her and cared about her and my dad. I try and try but it's hard sometimes.

At times I feel like running away because inside I hurt so much and no one understands why. I don't even know why. Maybe it's because I look at other people's lives and can't stand seeing how much pain they must be going through just to get by. Maybe it's because I've been takin advantage of so many times just because I'm nice and kind to people. Many guys have told me they love me but only few have proved true to their word and the two u see below are one of them, Lex and Matt. I'm very outgoing at times but majority I keep to myself and you can ask any of the friends I have... They barely know me except for the few times I've talked with them. I'm the type of person who doesn't know what it means to hate, I just love... Maybe I love too much. Do you think so?

My Best Friends

  • Matt Marlatt: My best friend and Brother From Toronto.. I LOVE YOU MATT

    from the day matt and I met 4 yrs ago we have liked each other... we would always play around and have fun and he treated me like a lil sis, best friend, and a lover.... weird as it sounds I treated him the same way... we love each other in a bond kind of way because there is something significant that makes us alike... almost unreal... and I have ALWAYS wanted matt to give me a chance and fall in love with me because I KNEW he was in love with me... I knew we were meant for each other it was just how it was suppost to be... and I got SICK of seeing him get hurt over these stupid girls who would take advantage of him... and hurt him.. went girl after girl, Tiff, Jenni, Marla, and now Janine... Matt was even there when I dug myself in a hole that I wasn't about to get out of... I still had somewhat of a dark side that i needed to get rid of, but then I met Lex... there was something about him that just made me happy and smile each time we talked... something that made a light shine inside of me... Matt made me think about life and why I need to keep it. He stayed with me even though he got in trouble with his grandfather and I will forever be thankful for him being my friend and meeting him. Matt I will ALWAYS be here for you when you need me as well. I love you hun always will. And I hope you find out what you want in life.

  • Lex:I love you so very much and I always will!!

    This is the man who made me feel brand new. Made me want to love someone new, want to be with someone and MAKE THINGS work... no matter how hard I tried... but it wasn't when i first met him that i KNEW he was the one... it was that night i was crying to him and his mother came in and he told her some things "She needs me right now and I'm going to be there for her! because I love her more than anything in this world" that is when it hit me and when in my mind I only wanted him and only wanted to be with him... He was there for me when I needed him most.

    Although he did hurt me at one time I forgave him and I still care about him and know that he would never do it again. He only did it because he was jealous because I told him one time that I loved matt more than I loved him. I didn't even think about how he would feel. How much it would hurt him inside. LOL jk.. Love you hun always will be there for you.

    - This is Kaitlyn, someone who is like a mother or an aunt to me.. She's been there for me through hard times and good.. A great friend and I plan on staying with her after I graduate to help her get through the sickness and hard times she has to overcome. I love ya girl and don't ever change!!!!

  • Jason and Me: He was the only guy nice enough to dance with me at my friend's graduation party! He's a sweetheart and a cutie.:-)Thankyou Jason..I hope the new system comes soon...
    This next picture is of me and Don at the SnoBall dance, I actually had to sneak out of the house and tell my parents I was staying with my grandma which technically wasn't lying because she was the one letting me go to the dance. It was a wonderful night and I was happy even though Lex couldn't make it to my dance. A best friend was there for me. I kinda look drugged in the picture though lol.
    these are my best friends in school... Don and Jamie are in the first one. Their cool heh heh ;) and Jing Jing is in the second one, in the third one from left to right is matt, brandon, and kelly, and i am the one sitting on Brandon's lap... That is not a very safe place to be if u know what i mean....4th pic is one of Sammy on the left,and Malorie on the right.
    ~*What would I do with out u guys?????*~

    Nathan and Brian: the two biggest goofballs u'll ever know heh heh.. They are sweet though and unlike the mean jerk guys I know. Brian is one of my best friends that I can talk to whenever I need to. And I consider Nathan a great friend.
  • this is my whole group of friends on top from left to right is Danielle and Crystal, bottom left to right is me, Ashley and my sister Brandi LUV U ALL!!! you guys were always there for me forever...
    My friend Magan Keely is in this one, she wasn't in the other one..

    this is my sis brandi i love her. When we were growing up I had always looked up to her and loved her for the person she was. She was really protective of me and I knew she loved me alot. She had been born with a hole in her heart that had never closed up. She eventually started passing out and no one had known what was wrong until we went to see a doctor about it. She needed surgery and it was a hard decision to make because my family believes in not taking blood so she had open heart surgery with out blood and it all went well. But later on almost a year later we found out there was a leakage and this was the day she blacked out while my brother was watching cartoons and she had told him to go get dad and I was just waking up. I saw Brandi laying there and I didn't know what was wrong. My dad came in and had to drag her up into the kitchen chair he told me to call 911 and I had never called 911 in my life, I was so scared for her. I grabbed the phone my hands shaking and my whole body trembling and I made the call I was only 12 or 13 at the time.

    We watched the ambulance come.. and people came in with a stretcher with them. They all picked Brandi up and put her on that. I had never been so scared in my life until that day. I asked her if there was anything she needed with a shaky voice and she had told me she wanted her stuffed animal bunny rabbit, so I went downstairs into the basement and got it for her, I saw the paramedics putting an I.V. in her arm and I had to go to my room and cry, I thought in my mind "Oh no, it's happening all over again she'll have to go back to the hospital, what if I never see her again?" I came back out after they had left, my mom had to leave work for the first time to go with my sister to the hospital. Joe and I had to stay at home.

    Since then she has been fine and well I haven't been as close to her. I don't look up to her anymore because I get so mad at her all the time. Before I used to be inseprable from her but now it's like she doesn't even care and she treats me like dirt and I get sick of it. It makes me sad and angry that she could say whatever to me and say such hurtful things to me. Although she has been there for me alot of the times and she does care bout me I know she has a hard way of showing it so I keep my patience level and try to think of why she would say mean things. Even though I know I have said some cruel things to her as well. I don't think she'll ever even begin to comprehend how much she really does mean to me. She's stopped me from killing myself before and well I don't regret her telling my mother about the time when I overdosed purposely on Zoloft to commit suicide. I should have never thought about that and regret doing it... but that is another long story I'll tell you about another time. But anyway Brandi if you ever read this I need you to know that I love you and will always be there for you when we get older if you ever need a shoulder to cry on I'll be right there in a second even if I have to fly across the country in a plane I'll do it for you. I love you!... *eyes water a little*

    this is my lil bro joe all though he is a lot taller than me lol he's 12 yrs old now so this is an old pic of him. Me and him have always stayed tight. He has a lot of caring and feeling in him but he just shows it a little too much lol. He's always there for me when I need him and people say I shouldn't talk to a 12 yr old cuz he's not old enough to understand but I think my brother is wise beyond his years sometimes moreso then myself wise. If I needed help with anything he would be the one to go to. Joe and me rarely EVER get into arguments or fights. He's the type who also keeps to himself like me but he's really an outgoing person inside. It just takes him a little to let loose. He's unlike any lil brother I've ever met because he's soo... well soo.. ummm how should I put it... really really close, wants to be a part in everything. He encourages me through trials in life and I'd help him out if he ever had a problem. He's even going to start homeschooling this year, you wanna know why? It's because he doesn't like the swearing and the bad association at school HAH!.. imagine he wants to spend time at home? NOT ME... I love the teachers, the school i love the everything..... AAHHHHHH The horror the horror! Spending every day at home with ur parents doing work!!!

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These are some poems that I have written myself and I guess you could say what u want about them...
A rose is a rose
one day it whithers, fades
and dies
It is a symbol of love
yet oh so sad
so many loves
whither, fade, and die

Greatest Teacher
From day one when you started teaching
You must have known that you were reaching
One or Two students a day
And even though each year might have been touch
And at times down right rough
You kept strong through it all
I've never seen you mad
Unless a student was bad
But nothing from you was ever unjustified
When a child was just too curious
You never got furious
which means a question never went unanswered
Tis you who in which I shed my tears
And even recalled some of my fears
For depression is a murdering disease
Yet you were always understanding
Never were you too demanding
This is very important
It makes you one of the very wonderful few
The world will always need teachers like you
Who make the world a better place
For each and every kind of race

When I look in your eyes
and see your bright smile
and feel your comforting touch
when I hear all the love
in those warm, caring words
that encourage me so much
There's a feeling I have
that "forever" is ours
that, no matter the season or weather
Our hearts will be filled
with the same kind of magic
and love that first brought
us together

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