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*~Tears of Blood and the Death of a Kingdom!~*

Never Let GO She Promised Him,But It Was All Lies Like Blood On A Crushed Blue Rose Or Was It?

*~Hokulani Star Of The Heavens The Duet~*

It was frigid inside the Castle Of Rubies as well as frozen across the Kingdom and across the land the air was bitter and the scent of death was everywhere. King Akoni laid where he fell dead of a shattered heart, everyone was in tears, all but the very few who still tried to stab his heart but were held back by the Castle guards. The winds howled outside, the storm was wicked in its cutting edge all of the peasants hid in their small cottages shaking with fear of what would come to the Kingdom and even what was to come to them. Everything was lost now for the King and his Queen she had been taken by the evil wizard far out of King Akoni's reach all the Knights could do nothing to save the King or the Queen he loved so very much and they stood helpless with their own hearts in pieces at the horror of it all. King Akoni laid there still covered in his own blood, his white shirt now torn and stained with his heart break a gaping hole covered with blood over the place where his heart had once been his soul gone into the evil of the bitter winds. His face was a whiter shade of pale, his lips chapped and rough and his hands were cold as ice yet his eyes were still open but now void of any dreams or stars all hope had escaped his eyes depths and he was void for when they soul has been stabbed and ripped into shreds there is nothing left of the body that once was. Each and every Knight in the Court of the Blue Rose suffered while they looked on at the King in his death. It was even to much for them to take and they to broke down into tears the color of dark maroon. The room was covered still in the Kings blood but now the stained floor of blood drops frozen that had turned into tiny hearts of red all shattered into slivers of broken glass sailing through the air impaling the once great Kings chest. The Ladies of the court knelt in prayer but their prayers fell on deaf ears as the winds stole the prayers from their lips of cherry red and sank them to the devil himself who laughed with glee at such a circus of misery. Some of the Knights spoke to each other in hushed tones. "How could this happen, how could this be that the Queen lost her fight and submitted to the Wizards clutches? What means forever in the eyes of the devil when promises and vows are made before God and man and then cast aside as if they were dirt. Forever promises it seems to her are nothing but specks of filth that she now walks on without feeling or even the empathy she had always shown with grace to her King she claimed to love. What is love if it is not meant to last the life time as the Queen promised him? Was it nothing but empty words and false hopes she used on the King to amuse herself, was he all this time nothing but a joke to her life and now he would be left to rot in Hell for his crime of love? Where was her fight and how is it that she would let the wizard steal her dreams as well as her soul and use her body like a toy when she knew she knew she was loved by the King? How is it that she could let all this happen without a thought of his heart or his soul or even his pain she knew this would be the death of him yet she did nothing to hold back the wickedness of her imprisonment but rather now was trying to embrace it making excuses as to why it should be this way." Whispered words from so many Knights now as they stood inside the Kings bed chambers in shock and dark horror. "She promised she would never let go I was there when she vowed this to his soul," the biggest Knight said as he cried." "I was there as we all where when they took their once sacred vows of marriage. I was their when they spoke their words of true love and devotion how could she let this happen to the King she claimed she loved? Etched in her heart I heard her as with my own ears as she screamed with all her might.*Mine* she screamed time and time again was it all lies for her own pleasure and now it meant nothing to her heart that he lays here dead and destroyed." Is love just a fairy tale that is meant for children's books and really doesn't live or is it one of the greatest tricks in life itself? If so then she has made the King the biggest fool in the book of her own life that there ever was. Can she not see how this has killed his life, does she not even feel the pain of his shattered heart? If she could see him now dead maybe she would grasp the meaning of what she has done to his soul by succumbing to the evil of the wizard." The Knights were shaking from the cold of the storm that streamed in from the windows shivering from the cold of the pain they witness in the Kings dead eyes. "May God forgive Queen Kalia for what she has done with her own hand to the life of our King. What means the Sacred Blue Rose if her love was nothing but lies in the dead of great cold because if her love was real she would have chosen a much different path and saved the King before it was to late." "May God forgive her," they all whispered,"for the course of her actions." Winds whipped so bitterly cold they froze the walls of the Castle of Rubies crystallizing the walls which were about to shatter just as King Akoni's heart had. Everything was lost everything was gone for the Kingdom one by one each Knight took out their blades of gold placing the cutting edge to their own throats then slicing it deep spilling their own blood and taking their own lives for which out King Akoni and Queen Kalia's love their own souls meant nothing. Each Knight fell in their own pools of blood one by one they collapsed on the now blood red floor and the whispers grew silent. The ladies of the court looked on in shock and fear what they saw was to much for them to take they took our tiny vials they wore around the sweet curves of their necks and opened the tiny caps then they drank of the poison Hemlock to end their own suffering. Each Lady in waiting fell silently fell to the floor their gowns covered in the red of pains blood bodies where everywhere in the Masters Chambers. Some where piled up on top of each other with their eyes wide shut still others died in the fetal position as if they were back in their mothers womb. The scent of death grew so thick in the air that it became a fog of sorrow a mist of red droplets from red painful bloody love. One last Knight whispered before death over took him as well. "The Blue Rose is no more Queen Kalia's love was just a foolish Kings dream and he believed, he believed, he believed, he believed." Darkness rained over the Castle nothing but darkness and blood showering everywhere and it pooled on the floor then instantly froze into black rivers of unholy blood. King Akoni laid their dead unmoved by all the death around him he had come full circle now and he was to be forever damned in this Hell his loving Queen had made for him. Bodies of the Knights and the Ladies they loved were scattered around and all crumbled like rag dolls across the room for when she killed him she killed his dreams as well and she killed by her own lack of love all the Knights and Ladies who had watched the King die. In the village a plague swept their each of the cottages killing the children first then stealing the dreams of the adults and turning them into dust that blew in the winds of evil. Wails of children in their own death rang through the evil night of mass destruction. When vows are broken and promises not kept dreams stolen and with the Queens submissions to the wizard everything died, everything died for the King and his subjects. But their is pain in death you see death does not cease pain and the King still held much. Now he would have to endure in Hell the thoughts of the wizard making love to her and she willingly giving it in the gowns he had brought to her feet with his love and admiration because she was his treasured Queen of Hearts. Now he would have to endure for eternity the knowledge that the wizards hands would be on her and the wizards sword would be inside her his lips on would taste hers and she wanting it, loved it and she would give him raptures as she burst into raptures herself like the Satine she always was inside she betrayed her King. For the rest of his death the King would suffer because she was now the Wizards willing sex toy and she cared nothing for the King in his death he was to be not even a memory in her life and that hurt him the most. All the songs they shared all the whispers they spoke in hushed tones so many times they smiled and reflected all the ways they played like children but loved like there was no tomorrow and then tomorrow came and tomorrow became blood dust. So many letters were sent so many promises of love so many colors they had seen together so many times of great joys and so many dreams left unfulfilled to his heart. So many memories times they shared and laughed times of great excitement and times of even tears all meant nothing to her for she had let the King die at her own hand when she willingly stabbed him with her dagger at the command of the Wizard of Evil himself. This was a the nightmare of nightmares in the book of Gods grace yet the storm was relentless in its fury even with all dead it wailed around carrying the dust of the dead into the mist of red blood dancing it around as the wind laughed wickedly. Silence gripped the air by the throat nothing could be heard through out the lands only the screams of the evil wind in joy at the Kings pain and in the death of all who cherished the Blue Rose. Queen Kalia could have saved him, should have saved him but she refused to lift a finger instead she turned her back on his love. Out of the red mist Queen Kalia appeared to him as he laid their dead and frozen stiff. Her gown was perfectly fitted with not a drop of filth covered it, no blood stained the silk of her fabric and her hair was still perfect in its gold tendrils that fell about her face and her eyes glowed haunting him mocking him in his death. Her face was just as beautiful as always but her eyes had lost their own glow of life and desire for King Akoni and his love. Queen Kalia moved closer to where the King was laid walking over the dead bodies of the Knights and the Ladies in waiting then walked slowly to where the King had fallen in death. She looked into his white face then she leaned down placing her lips on his, kissing him softly one last time as she trembled, one last time their lips met but now his lips were icy cold and frozen. King Akoni began to move slowly rising up in his death and she backed away expressionless. Her blue eyes empty all she could see was the pain in his dark eyes as he moved closer towards her without speaking. In his eyes she witnessed everything every memory while she gazed into his blood soaked eyes as she looked on in shock her gown untouched by any signs of blood. She looked into the depths of his void and saw every memory they ever made, some of the greatest ones as well as the small flashed in his eyes, so she may times of them she viewed. The night their wedding filled with stars, the day they went into the open air of life where they met, the first time he looked her way and poured her coffee the many times they made love and laughed then cuddled. So many memories flashed in his eyes and she saw each one rush before her minds eyes that were still untouched by any of it. Then she looked deeper into his eyes of pain and she saw in his bloodied brown eyes, a small tiny child who walked a solemn path that led to the grave in which the King was at last laid, future stories told, dreams and ghost ruled the night of death. One small child of love never to be conceived, never to be born because she had killed that dream for them as well when she killed the Kings soul. One tiny child with hair of blonde curls, eyes blue brown a strange holy mix and in her hands she carried one lone bloody Blue Rose then placed it on the unmarked grave in which he laid and she whispered softly before she vanished into heavens clouds, "I could have been daddy, I could have been if ONLY." she whispered in pain as one red tear drop of blood trailed down her small face, "I almost was." Matching tears of Blood ran down Queen Kalia's face each drop matched the child's heart break because she know knew that not only did she kill the King and all the Court and subjects but she also killed the baby girl of them yet to be and that was the greatest death of all. Blood tears ran down and now stained Queen Kalia's pure white gown and forever more the road she choose and the destruction of the King at her own hands was something she would have to live with for the rest of her life. King Akoni fell one last time clinging to Kalia as he slid to the floor in his death at her feet, he was no more King, no more whole, just blood on the blue of life's most sacred rose. The winds picked up and raced through the Castle sweeping everything into dust everything was gone and then there was no more. All that stood in the void of the Kingdom was Queen Kalia and now she was alone and in the winds she heard King Akoni's voice. You see beloved one of my Blue Rose in killing me and killing our dreams, in turning your back to my love after everything I laid before you, everything I have done in the name of our love, you not only killed my soul and my life but also killed our baby of endless love. May God forgive you Queen Kalia as for me I will dwell in Hell for eternity and yet forever. For every smile you smile, for each time you laugh, each time you see raptures with the Wizard or any one else each time you see something or hear something that reminds you of my life I place this spell upon you that in your heart you will feel the guilt of what you have done and forever more I will haunt you in your dreams for what you have done to our dreams and the unborn life of our baby made from..once us....
Foolish hopes some say..still I hear them cut at our dreams and I wonder why it was that Kalia's blade cut me the deepest drawing the most blood.


*~King Akoni~*