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Name: AnNiE

SeX: 100% BabiE GurL

SiGn: SaGiTtAriUs

Location: Da 2o3 ArEa

Nationality: PuRe ViEt

Weight: um..?? SkiNnY

Eye Colour: DrK.BrOwN

Age: AiN't NuTinG BuT a #

Height: BoUt 5'1"  ShOrTiE..

HaiR Colour: BLcK n DrK.BrOwN

B-DaY: WhO WaNtS 2 KnOe??

School: wHaT's SkOoL?? jp. mE 

gO 2 DhS



* Favorites *

NuMbEr: LuCkY 2

Colour: ReD n NaVy

Songs: LooK aT Us, HoTTie, 

HeArTbEakEr, etc.

T.O.M: HiP-HoP, TrAnCe, DanCe, 

TeChnO, RaP

Singers: TriSh, AshLeY B, SaBriNa PaRiS, 

No DoUbT, RoCKeLL.

Foods: Asian CuIsInEs, fAsT FoOd, 

PiZza, n SaLads

Likes: GuYs, HaNgiN WiT FwiEnDs, 

Da MaLL, PaRtiEs

Dislikes: AnYthinG oR aNy1 ThAt GiVeS 

mE TrOuBLe. hEhe jP




Cindy       Teri        Amanda        Stacey        Jill   

Jean        Janette        Marie        Yuli 

 Thanh        Noelle        Jess        Truc        Mai 

Hannah         Kristina        Amy        Sara

Maryann         Kwazuha        Van        Trinh

** Specical Thanks 2 TERRY for showing me how to start my hp **center>




           ~MaH FaVoRiTe PoEmS~    



Stronger  and deeper, my love has grown.
Brighter and purer, my heart has shown.

Hour after hour, and day by day...
As time passes, my love does not fade.

My love for you will continue to grow.
  We've come so far, with much further to go.
   From the trials and  triumphs, and even the tears.
    Happiness awaits, forget your fears.
     I know in my heart  that you're the one.
    Look in my know it too.

   Always and forever, what I feel is true

Believe me when I say, I love you






W When we first fell in love,
I thought nothing could compare
to the magical romance
that you and I had come to share.
But as time passed,
our feelings deepened
and our closeness grew
and romance turned into
a real and lasting love with you.
You care for me in all the ways
I want and need so much.
I've felt your warmth and tenderness
with every word and touch.
I know I can depend on your support and honesty,
the patient understanding
that you always give to me.
There's a special kind of happiness
that only love can bring,
And I've found that happiness with you..
you are my everything.






Love is like Heaven, but it can hurt like Hell









*_* PiCtUrE PoEmS n' QuOtEs *_*


Too often we don't realize..
Until it's gone..
Too often we wait too late..
To say "I'm sorry, I was wrong..."
Sometimes it seems that we hurt the one..
We hold dearest to our heart..
And we allow stupid things..
To tear our lives apart..
Far too many times we let..
Unimportant things get in our mind..
And by then it's usually too late..
To see what made us blind..
So be sure that you let people know..
How much they mean to you..
Take the time to say the words..
Before your time is through..
Be sure that you appreciate..
Everything you've got..
And be thankful for the little things..
In life that mean a lot..

*Unknown Writer*


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>> >> cLiCk 2 c BiGgEr PiCs << <<



*~* Comments *~*

Hi there, yea, i know that i have a lot of poems and stuff, that's bc i like poems, OK?? I found most of da poems on da web. Anyways, I have also written a lot of other poems that I've recently written, but I'm being really lazy, and so I dun feel like putting them on yet. SO when I get the chance, I'll put them up.

Also, there's some of mah favorite sites on here, like some of mah friends' homepages also, so if yooh like, u can visit therez 2.




Old Navy

   Marie's Hp  

Jess's Hp  




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*HoT CaRs*



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