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Hello, and welcome to strawberries!!! This is a completely dreamer-friendly site devoted to Max and Liz fanfiction at its finest! So, come on in! Relax, and indulge yourself in the sweet, but addictive stories of Roswell's cutest couple! Dig in!

Note: This site is not technically open yet. If you have stumbled in, take a look around, and get aquainted with my site! You have either come here by invitation (because I'm hoping you'll let me archive your fic at my site) or by clicking on a link that I sent you in an e-mail or posted on a meassage board. Right now there's really nothing here, but that will change all in good time, so keep checking back frequently! Or, if you're getting impatient, send us some fanfiction and speed up the site's growth! Right now I'm working on adding fics, so the main archive page is in serious dissaray, please excise the mess. Thanks for coming!

Freshly Picked* This is where I log all of the updates and new fics

The Main Archive For now, this is where all of the fics are located, but I hope to open up some new sections soon.

Submission Guidelines Is your fic, poem, song etc. sweet? Think it should be archived here at strawberries? Check out the submission guidelines and send them on in!

Lucious Links Here are some other cool sites for you to visit!

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All graphics on this page were found at Roswell Supports All backrounds were found at The Arena *Strawberries is in no way affiliated with Roswell or any of its affiliates. It is meant for entertainment purposes only. No infringment intended. All materials on this site belong to *Strawberries or their respective owners as stated above and SHOULD NOT be taken without written permission from said owner. Please repect others' property and ask before taking anything.
