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Shirley's Family Home Page


Shirley and David (Husband)


Welcome to my home page. As you can see  my husband and I are taking a 

cruise around  Florida  the sunshine state.  We are having a wonderful time. My favorite flower is the  because the symbolizes me as the person that I am.  My favorite singer is Alicia Keys . She is a wonderful singer. Her song Fallin will have you crying all the way back home. 

I have four children and they are all BOYS. I guess you can say that I got LUCKY huh!!


My first son is Joseph, he is 18 years old and he is a Senior in High School. He loves to make people laugh so he cracks plenty of jokes. He is a character.

My second son is Jeremy, he is 16 years old and he is a Freshman in High School. He was Born To Be Wild with a little mischief on the side.

My third son is Jeffrey, he is 11 years old and he is in the 6th grade in Middle School. He loves to stay focused and serious. He just knows that he is a Cool Daddy.

My fourth son is Julius, he is 9 years old and in the 4th grade in Elementary School. He is a young Computer Wizard. He loves to learn about computers. He is the shy one.

I also have a Stepdaughter name Davida, she is 13 years old and a Stepson name David T., he is 10 years old.

WOW !!! That was some ride. Come on in for a while and have a seat and relax. Would you like a refreshing drink or we can go outside and sit under the tree and chat for a little while. I am just so excited to have you over today.

I had a wonderful visit with you today, sorry that my husband and my children could not stay for the visit. I will let them know that you will see them at another time. You can reach us at

My Resume