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Welcome and hi my name is Roxina Lizama. Im seventeen years old. Im going to be a senior and am currently attending Montclair High School in Montclair on Benito. I have lived in Pomona for 8 years. I live with a family of six. My parents and my three sisters.

My family is one of the most important part of my life. Im one out of four girl. My parent are Salvadorian. My mom and dad have played a great part in my life. Being there and they as well give me good advice. As well thought me right from wrong. My older sister Ana she is nineteen years old she is a party animal as well I learned a lot from her mistakes and her best achivements, she is studying to be a doctor. Then is me after me is my sister Leslye. She is sixteen years old she is as well a party animal but she still gives great advice. She makes me feel better when I feel down. The last one is my sister Tanya. She is just 8 years old she is in third grade and she enjoys to play and as me likes to do dangerouse activities and events. Likes to chalenge herself to do things nobody expected that a girl her age would be able to.

Tanya in the bottom holding her two favorite characters
My older sister Ana "19"
Top left is My sister Leslye "16",in the right Maria "16" and in the center Cristal "16" .
My two cousins that are like sisters the small one is Nathalie and Astrid is the oldest. My Family from left to right My Dad, Mom, Leslye, Me, Ana, in the center is by baby sis Tanya