August 9th, 2o04:: wow. it's been almost over a year since i've updated this thing... amazing how time flies... and everything's out-dated... lol. i should go fix that... ^^

mAii asian avenue...
i'm the one on the left... w/out braces.

This is me n sarah... aren't we so cute? LOL
.::About meeh::.
Name:: Junghee...Kim
Age:: 15
Location:: obviously the US
Fave Show:: eh. i usually watch korean dramas nowadays...
Hobbies:: singing... internet... talking... listening...
Obsessions:: orlando.bloom(legolas).... tobey.maguire.... hwanhee(as yooo have seen up there^) strawberries, penguins... yeah that kinda stuff... music...
Contact:: AIM- XSHeeHee e-mail-
vIeW mAh g-bOok | SigN mAh g-bOok
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