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This website consists of my ancestors in different Town History books.

 Some ancestors are in more than one book. 

Not all the information in these books is accurate

(according to vital records and census records that I have obtained).








Second History Of Charlestown, NH                                       History & Genealogy of Langdon, NH



                                                                                History Of Walpole, NH








My Ancestors In

The Second History Of Charlestown, NH

Published in 1955


BASHAW, PETER 1800-1898 b. Mulford, Vt. Son of Peter b Canada m Margaret 1821-1896

ch  I Eli 1842-94 m Elizabeth Burnell 1854-1906.  Blacksmith, worked for George Bowen r SCh #341

     ch 1. Isabell m 1st Joseph Dupry ch Elizabeth Roxanna, Selina, Idalena, Medrick

     m 2nd Angelo Paris Matestella b 1903

   ch Clayton b 1924, Chester

      2. Eli Jr. m Mary ch Doris

      3. Maggie b 1868 m Peter Pecor

      4. Antoine b 1871 m Virginia Parsell

          ch Henry, Clarence, Marshall

      5. Emma b 1873 m George Wilson

      6. Nelson 1876-1932 (S)

      7. John Henry 1881-1937 m Ida May b 1888 dau of Heny and Ada Pecor. She m 2nd 1943 Hebert Earl Knight, is

          known as “Grandma Knight”

          ch (1) John 1902 inf

    (2) Edwin P. b 1903 m 1927 Eva b 1909 Manchester dau of Herbert and Inez Knight ch Inez Mae b 1930, Patsey

                              Arlene b 1931, Burton Clyde b 1938, Herbert John b 1940 , Edwin Peter b 1946

    (3) Joseph John b 1905

    (4) Wilfred O. b 1906 m 1927 Florence Wilson Patch b 1905 dau of George and Bessie Wilson ch Wilma Winifred b

          1928, Doris Arlene b 1930, Alfred John b 1931, Thelma Ester 1933-8, Wilfred O. Jr. b 1934, Allen Wilson b

                               1935, Alice Louise b 1938, Richard Gene b 1940 Charlotte Geneva b 1944

    (5) Andrew Malcolm 1907 inf

    (6) Gordon H. (Beatsie)b 1909 m 1931 Ida Louise b 1915 Cambridgeport, Vt. dau of Clarence N. and Olive Gilbert   


         ch (1) Leona Louise b 1931 m 1950 Carol Harold Bennett

             (2) Ruth May b 1933 m 1951 Robert E. b 1931 Sp son of Charles V. and Clara Stanford Bushway

             (3) Gordon Henry Jr. b 1941

    (7) Ralph H. (Chippy) b 1913 m 1935 Nina b 1914 Whittingham, Vt. dau of George and Bessie Wilson

         ch Wayne O. b 1930,

             Eunice Mae b. 1933,

             Carroll Ralph b 1935,

             Raymond Nelson b 1936,

             Genevieve P. b 1938 m 1954 Roger Schroeder

    (8) George Bowen b 1914 m 1933 Louie M. b 1914 dau of William Olden

         ch George Bowen Jr. b 1933

    (9) Albert Velnor (Big Finger) b 1919 m 1945 Gertrude M. adopted dau of William and Minnie Burns

         ch Albert John b 1946,

             Gary Louis b 1947,

             Linda Elaine b 1950

   (10) Arthur Antoine 1917-42 Drowned

   (11) Melvin Willis (Pint) b 1924 m 1951 in Osaka, Japan Toshiko Morita b 1921

   (12) Erwin Daniel (Papoose) 1928-53

   (13) Ida Geneva b 1929 m 1945 Merrill Ralph b 1927 son of Clarence Kenney

         ch Herbert Nelson b 1946,

             Stanley Merrill b 1948,

             Sharon Lee b 1949

    8. Phebe b 1885 m Frank Porter

    9. Angie b 1888 m John Bashaw

II John 1851-1912 m 1878 Julia 1861-1935 dau of John Wright

    ch 1 John b 1881 m 1905 Angie b 1886 dau of Eli Bashaw

           ch (1) Leon F. b 1907 m 1933 Olive Margaret b 1904 dau of Guy Smith

                    ch David Leon b 1934,

                        Judith Ann B 1938

               (2) Francis J. b 1916 m 1934 Mildred M. b 1915 Rumford, Me. dau of Joseph F. and Annie L. Adams Doyle

                    ch Barbara M. b 1935 m 1955 Larry Lumbra.

                        Beverly b  1939,

                        Beryl b 1941

         2. William b 1887 m 1909 Eva b 1893 dau of George Wright r N. Walpole

              ch (1) Carl b 1911 m Evelyn Chase r Me.

                  (2) Ernest b 1913 m Mary Golec

                        ch [1] Ernest Jr. b 1932 m 1953 Pauline Blanchard of Keene

                            [2] Charles b 1936

                            [3] Paul b 1937

                            [4] Brona b 1941

                            [5] Lois b 1942

                            [6] Richard b 1943

                  (3) Julia Eva b 1920 m Clayton Stearns

         3. Frank H. b 1893 m 1st 1919 Nellie Wright 1903-32

             ch Agnes, Robert

             m 2nd 1936 Mrs. Emma E. Blodgett Lovely r Cambridgeport, Vt.

         4. Joseph b 1896 m 1st 1919 Freda Patch

            m 2nd 1937 Mrs. Virginia E. Livermore Bushway 1888-1940

            m 3rd 1943 Mrs. Viola Plimton Keating b 1895 Manchester.

(page 352)


BENWARE, JOSEPH 1833-95 son of Peter and Margaret Benware b Canada m Mercy Billings b 1830 (LH302). He with his sons

          among most famous choppers in this section

           ch I Peter 1853-1932 b Hartland Four Corners m 1882 Mary J. 1860-1932 b Danbury, N. H. dau of John and Amelia LaTuch  

                 Fortune r #234

      ch 1. Peter b 1883 m 1906 Regina M. Sylvester b Cl

   ch (1) Leon b 1907 m 1926 Gladys LaBatt r Brattleboro

       (2) Evelina b 1908 m 1st 1926 Lloyd Martin m 2nd Joseph Benware (her cousin) r Somersworth

       (3) Ernest M. b 1910 m Mildred Dennett of Sp

            ch Regina Mary b 1931,

                Eleanor b 1937,

                Robert b 1941,

                Linda Lee b 1951

       (4) Regina A. b 1912 m 1931 Vern Newton r Gassetts, Vt.

       (5) Arthur H. b 1913 m 1941 Eva Blanchard Peck who had a dau Sandra Peck b 1938

            ch Wayne Arthur b 1942

       (6) Helen G. b 1917 m 1935 Richard Billings r S. Royalton, Vt.

       (7) Alice M. inf

       (8) Clarence G. 1920-36

       (9) Edward b 1924 m 1942 Arlene Cornell

            ch Donald b 1943

     (10) George b 1926 (S)

2. Charles b 1885 m 1906 Anna Sylvester (sister of Regina) r Brownsville, Vt.

3. Ella b 1887 (or Mary b 1890) m 1907 Joseph Ferguson b 1885

    ch Henry L. b 1911,

        Rosa Mary b 1913,

        Edward F. b 1916,

        Florence b 1922

4. George b 1889 (S) r Maine

5, 6, 7 d inf

8. Edward b 1896 m 1917 Rose Gregoire r Cornish

    ch Rose,






9. Eva m Ralph Cheever r Sp

10. Leon n 1903 m 1932 Kit Lawyer b Enosburg, Vt. dau of Andrew and Cora Draper Lawyer. Her two sons by a

                           previous marriage go by the name of Benware

      (1) Haskell J. b 1925 m 1945 Sarah Kathleen Osgood dau of Ralph  Everett and Fannie Nellie LaClair of Unity

          ch Haskell Leon b 1945,

              Rose Alice b 1948,

              Carol Ann b 1953

      (2) Carlton b 1926

      ch of Leon Benware

(1)  Mary E. b 1936 m 1954 Lloyd Herbert Hussy

(2)  Leona Grace b 1938

        II Frank 1855-1918 m Sophia 1867-1924 dau of Nelson and Julia Morris Harper of Williston, Vt.

            ch 1. Harry F. b 1884 m 1917 Mary R. 1889-1951 dau of Henry and Ada Porter Pecor

                    ch Olive;







                         Norman m Dorothy E. Kinney

                         ch Elizabeth Mary,

                             Jeannette Olive,




                            Norman Harry,


                            Robert Edwin

                2. May C. b 1888 m 1st 1911 Willie A. Sherwin m 2nd Nelson Pecor

                3. Nelson J. b 1890 m 1934 Mrs. Josephine Blake Smith dau of Henry Blake

                4. Emily Beatrice b 1894 m Eli Wilson

                5. Gladys S. b 1899 m Levi Rumrill

      III Stephen 1858-1903

      IV Charles b 1860 m 1897 Margret Alice Griffin r L.

       V Alexander b 1863 m 1894 Mrs. Laura Belle Gibson Pecor dau of Israel Gibson and widow of Charles Pecor. She had the


                ch Robert Gibson, Carl Ernest Pecor 1891-1900;


                ch Alexander Joseph b 1894,

                    George Gilman b 1896,

                    Minnie Eva 1899-1932 r L

      VI Prosper 1870-1944 m Minnie Blanchard of Sp

                ch 1. Raymond inf

                    2. Henry m Bertha McG----

                    3. Joseph m. r Sp.

(page 353-354)


BROWN, JAMES W. b 1890 at Hanover, son of Peter and Josephine Brown m 1916 Beatrice Geneva b 1898 dau of William Wilson ch  I Ellen B. b 1918 , 1st 1935 Robert B. b 1915 son of Frank and Phoebe Bashaw Porter ch 1. James Robert b 1936 2. Beatrice Ellen b 1937 3. Lawrence Cecil b 1939 4. Vernon Richard b 1941 5. William George b 1942 6. Lee Earl b 1944 7. Corrinne Alice b 1945 8. Patricia Ann b 1946 He remarried r Keene. She m 2nd 1946 Gerald E. Tashro 1919-50 who had m 1st 1944 Dorothy Ploof. He was later killed in an accident in RI ch (Tashro) 9. Carol Leah b 1947 10. Cedric Colin b 1950. She m 3rd 1951 Henry Guy Towsley who had the following children by his previous marriage Linda, Joan, Elbert (Stubby), Dana ch (Towsley) 11. Cheryl Elaine b 1952  II William James b 1926 m 1948 Margaret b 1930 dau of Adelard and Yvonne Boudreau ch Melanie b 1952 r Fitchburg  III Vern Ardis b 1928 m 1948 Rudolph Joseph Boudreau (brother of Margaret) b 1928 ch 1. Ronald b 1950 2. Randolph b 1952 r Fitchburg. (page 357-358)


PECOR, LOUIS 1843-1924 b Canada or Richmond, Vt. son of Louis 1817-1890 and Rosie Sine (or Ceiney) Pecor 1817-1880 m 1872 Lucy A. 1846-1938 b Milton, Vt. dau of Peter Benware r SCh ch I Peter J. 1866-1929 b. Essex Jct., Vt. m 1894 Maggie M. 1871-1952 dau of Eli Bashaw ch 1. Lizzie Lucy 1895 inf 2. Maggie b 1899 3. Nelson Peter b 1902 m 1st Mrs. May C. Benware Sherwin m 2nd 1937 Annie E. Allison b 1908 ch Caroline May b 1939, Rose Marie b 1940, Eugene Nelson 1942-9 d tetanus, Shirley Ann b 1945 II Henry D. b 1869 L m 1888 Ada F. Porter Wilson Warner b Ascutneyville, Vt. d 1945 dau of Joseph Porter. She m 1st Patrick Wilson m 2nd John F. Warner ch 1. Ida m John Bashaw 1. Mary m 1st Jondro m 2nd Henry (Harry) Benware 3. Julia m last Riley 4. Adele b 1893 m 1st John Burton m 2nd Arthur Wade 5. Albert m Ellen L. Dean III Ellen M. 1870-1933 m William H. Wilson. (page 404)






PECOR, CHARLES 1855-91 b Grafton m 1890 Laura Gibson b 1870. She m 2nd Alexander Benware ch Carl Ernest 1891-1900 d from having his knee crushed in a corn cracking machine. Charles was probably brother of Louis, r Hemlock, d of an accident at the Blood blacksmith shop Sept. 22, 1891. (page 404-405)


PORTER, CORLISS C. m Sophia A. Palmer r. Jabes Meadow Ch I Josepha d 5 yrs. II Leona d 2 yrs. III Charlie C.  m Ellen Gonia d 65 yrs. IV Elmer F. m Jennie Smith d 59 yrs. V Mary O.  m John W. r Norwich Conn. VI Napoleon m Grace Nichols VII Frank F. m Phoebe Bashaw ch Eli b 1903 Evelyn b 1906 Harry b 1910 Annie VIII Calista R. m Levi Peck r Keene IX Andrew C. m Lilla Wilson r Windsor, Vt. X William F. inf (page 406)


WILSON, WILLIAM HARRISON 1868-1934 b Rutland, Vt. son of Patrick and Ada F. Porter Wilson m 1888 Ellen M. 1870-1933 b Essex Jct. Vt. dau of Lewis Pecor. William Wilson came to Ac about 1877 to Jabes Meadow about 1880. Worked for George Bowen (LH 743) ch I Angie Floma b 1888 m William Blanchard II Eli Lewis b 1889 m 1913 Emily Beatrice b 1894 dau of Frank Benware ch 1. Alfred Gordon b 1912 m Anna T MacDean r Walpole 2. Clarence Robert b 1914 m r Brattleboro 3. Geneva Beatrice b 1916 m Ernest Lamphear 4. Roland b 1918 m r Brattleboro 5. Victor Raymond b 1919 m Doris Corey 6. Dorian Edgar b 1920 m 1948 Mrs. Helen Laura Parkhurst Garrapy 7. Edward Dale b 1928 m Marjorie Myra Tripp ch Allen Tripp b 1953 8. Irma Laura b 1931 m Donald Muzzy 9. Beverly Lorraine 1933-1948 III Melvina Ada (Minnie) 1891-1918 (flu) m 1909 Clarence Henry Cleveland r Sp ch Hazel, Leonard IV Lilla Vera b 1892 m Andrew Corliss Porter r Windsor 8 ch V Edmond Patrick 1894 inf VI Harrison William b 1895 m Mary Dennis d 1926 r Cl VII Beatrice Geneva b 1898 m James W. Brown VIII George Raymond b 1900 IX Clifford Victor b 1903 m 1924 Marion R. Bryant (LH322) r SCh ch 1. Daniel William b 1925 m 1946 Ruth Irene Wheeler b 1932 ch Sharon Elaine b 1949 2. Melvin b 1926 m 1953 Sylvia May b 1934 dau of Stillman Nash 3. Pauline Ruth 1927-1930 X Rena Ellen b 1904 m Arthur Culver boy, girl. (page 427)





WILSON, GEORGE (brother of William) b 1869 m Emma Bashaw b 1879 ch Emma Mae b 1905 r Cambridgeport, Vt. (page 427)


There are some errors in the information.  This was typed exactly the way that it is written in the book.








inf-infant (usually means died as an infant)



r-resides or residence

SCh-South Charlestown

Sp-Springfield, Vt.








History and Geneaology of Langdon, NH

(1787-1930)   By F. B. Kingsbury, 1933


   The BENWARE family (as the name is now written), came from Canada to the States, circa, 1850.  The family, as a whole, has kept few records, and we therefore are unable to compile any satisfactory genealogy.  Names and especially dates, are usually traditional, conflicting and probably erroneous, but are herewith submitted to the best of our knowledge.


   PETER 1 BENWARE, a French-Canadian, was b. in Canada; d. in Burlington, Vt.; res. in C., and other places; was m. several times, some say, seven.  His (2) wife was Mary______.  (His name also given, “Peter Mitchell Benware”.)


   JOSEPH MITCHELL 2 BENWARE (Peter 1), b. Can., (or Plattsburg, NY), 1820?; d. C. May 20, 1895; 66 y.  He res. in several places as will be noted from birthplace of his ch.  For several months 1859-60 he lived on Cold river road, at No. 7 and worked around Robert Elwell’s saw mill.  He probably was the “Joseph Benwah” in L., 1868-69

  He m. (1) Lenora Lashua [Elenor Landas], who d. leaving a son. He m. (2) Marcelene Billinger [Masalena Billings?], b. Farnham, Can.; d C., May 26, 1910.

    Ch. b. (1) wife:

i. Joseph 3 b.------; res. 1874? On the Bigelow-Rugg farm No. 231, in edge of Ac.; suddenly left for parts unk.


    Ch. b. (2) wife:

           ii. Peter 3, b. Hartland, Vt., about 1852; res. C., and now, Springfield, Vt. He m. Apr. 10, 1882, Mary J. Fortune, b. Danvury, 

              N.H., June 9, 1861; d. C. May 8, 1932; 7 ch. b.

           iii. Frank 3 b. ------; d. in C., about 1920; m. Sophia Harper. They hadb.,

               Emily B 4, who m. Eli L. Wilson q.v. and

               May 4, who m. William Sherwin.








The Benware Family

Mary J. (Fortune), Freddie & Peter

(This photo is not in the book)





A History Of Walpole, NH

By Martha Fizzell, Volume II (1963)


PORTER, CORLISS b St. Albain, Can.  d W feb 25, 1933 (100/9/21); son of Joseph Porter; m Sophia Palmer; lumberman (see Ch11) [372]

11 CHARLES II [372]

12 NAPOLEON F.  b L Mar 16, 1875; d W july 9, 1937; m Grace F. Nichols d May 9, 1956 (76)

13 FRANK [63]


15 GIRL m Levi Peck

16 MARY m Way