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Week of 11/11/02


Update assignment journal

Print Topic Journal for last two weeks & turn in
New Topic Journal:  I think the atmosphere here at Lee High School could be improved if students would . . .
Assn:  Complete Ex. 25, p. 301 & 302 (Red Book)

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Update assignment journal

New Topic:  If I found a wallet with ID and $50 lying on the ground, I would . . .
Assn:  Discuss Ex. 15 & 17 (Green Book)  Using Relative & Absolute references
                                                                       Using higher level functions
Complete Ex. 17, p. 83 (Green Book)


Update assignment journal

New Topic:  
Assn: Ex. 16, p. 280-282


Internet Assn - Search for websites where you can search for information about family tree or missing persons


Guest Presenter - Art Institute of Houston

Week of 11/18/02


Tour Windows XP tutorial


Update assignment journals

Topic:  What I like best about the new computers is . . .

Discuss using IF functions

Assn:  Ex. 23, p. 295 & 296 (Red Book)


Update assignment journals

Topic:  Does it matter what interest rate and length of loan you get when purchasing a vehicle?
             Why or why not?

Assn:  Complete computer tracking for Ms. Kelly
            Take notes over Tour Windows XP for quiz on Friday
            (Take good notes because you may use them on the test and they count for Extra Credit!
            BONUS PTS.  Bring a CD you don't want for extra credit


Update assignment journals

Topic:  I plan to celebrate Thanksgiving by . . .

Assn:  Buying A Car Project - Handout


Update assignment journals

Topic:  Thinking about Thanksgiving Day coming up, I find that I am most thankful for . . .
             (Print & turn in Topic Journals today)

             *Test over Windows XP

              Makeup Time!

              Have a great Thanksgiving Break!

Week of 12/2/02


Update assignment journals

Topic:  My Thanksgiving holiday was . . .because. . .

Assn:  Cont. work on Buying Car Project


Update assignment journals


Assn:  Cont. work on Buying A Car Project - Due by EOC Wednesday


Update assignment journals

Topic:  The most important study skill I have learned is . . .

Assn:  Cont. work on Buying Car Project - Due by EOC Today

*Progress Reports

Update assignment journals

Topic:  If I had $5000, I would . . .

Assn:  Using the IF function
            Job 84 , p. 262
            Job 85, p. 263   Blue Book - (Business Computer Applications for Reinforcement)

*Turn in Progress Reports


Update assignment journals

Topic:   I think having a part-time job while you attend high school is a good/bad idea because . . .

Assn:  Using the IF function
            Job 84 , p. 262
            Job 85, p. 263   Blue Book - (Business Computer Applications for Reinforcement)

Makeup Time!


Week of 12/9/02


Update assignment journals

All makeup assignments for this six weeks are due by Thurs. December 11, 2002

Topic:   I think the changes in requirements for teenagers to receive a driver's license are good/bad because. . .

Assn:   Excel vocabulary list
             Ex. 1, p. 2
             1.  spreadsheet
             2. workbook
             3. template
             4. program window
             5. workbook window
             6. active cell
             Ex. 4, p. 21
             7. active cell
             8. name box
             9. formula Bar
           10. cell reference
           11. worksheet
            Ex. 6, p. 32
           12. workbook
           13. label|
           Ex. 7, p. 36
           14. value
           15. numeric label
           16. label prefix
           17. format
           18. point
           19. comment
            Ex. 8, p. 43
           20. AutoComplete
           21. Pick From List
           22. AutoCorrrect
           Ex. 9, p. 47
           23. date format
           Ex. 12, p. 58
           24. formula
           25. formula bar
           26. mathematical operators
           27.  cell reference
           28.  function
           29.  order of precedence
           30.  natural language formula


Update assignment journals

All makeup assignments for this six weeks are due by Thurs. December 11, 2002


Assn:   Add the following terms to your Excel vocabulary list|
            Ex. 13, p. 62
            31. currency format
            32. accounting format
            Ex. 14, p. 67
            33. range
            34. contiguous cells
            35. noncontiguous cells
            36. name box
            Ex. 15, p. 72
            37. fill handle
            38. relative reference
            39. absolute reference
            40. mixed reference
            Ex. 16, p. 76
            41. series
            42. AutoSum
            43. function
            44. AutoCalculate
            Ex. 22, p. 99
            45. row titles
            46. column titles
            Ex. 25, p. 110
            47.  paste special
            48. transpose
            Ex. 28, p. 121
            49. freeze

Update assignment journals

All makeup assignments for this six weeks are due by Thurs. December 11, 2002

Topic:   My plans for Christmas vacation this year are to . . .

Assn:   Print & turn in Excel vocabulary list
Go to Review Games on the BCIS website and play the BCIS II Excel Review Game and the BCIS II Letter Parts Review Game to review for final exam


Update assignment journals

Topic:  To me, the best part of the holiday season is . . .

All makeup assignments for this six weeks are due no later than today!

Assn:  Excel Review Wksht.  - Handout

Play BCIS II Letter Parts & Excel Review Games


Update assignment journals

Play BCIS II Letter Parts & Excel Review Games

Part 1 of Final Exam will be Monday
Part 2 of Final Exam will be at the scheduled time