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Week of 9/29/03


Update assignment journal
Warmup:  MicroType Lesson 11
(Pass out Personal Business Letter Examples)
Discuss Creating an Envelope
Create an envelope for Ex. 7 letter
Assn:  Keyboard Personal Business Letter from Wksht and create an envelope for it.


Update assignment journal
Warmup:  MicroType Lesson 11
Be sure & pick up Personal Business Letters Example Handout if you were absent on Mon.
Assn:  Keyboard Personal Business Letter Exercise from Wksht and create an envelope & return address labels for it
           Print & turn in
           Complete second part of Ex. 7 in your book #'s 15, 16 & 17


Update assignment journal
Warmup:  MicroType Lesson 11
Be sure & pick up Personal Business Letters Example Handout if you were absent on Mon.
Assn:  Be sure you have printed out the flyer for Ex. 7, p. 40 & 42, #15, 16, & 17
            Critical Thinking Ex. 8, p.43-45


Update assignment journal
Warmup:  MicroType Lesson 11
Assn:  Complete Critical Thinking Ex. 8, p.43-45


Update assignment journal
Warmup:  MicroType Lesson 11 (Print Lesson Summary & turn in today)
Assn:  Complete Critical Thinking Ex. 8, p.43-45
            Turn in letter, labels & envelope (stapled)
            Turn in flyer

Week of 10/06/03


Update assignment journal
Warmup:  MicroType Lesson 12
Assn:  Ex. 9, p. 49

You will have a test over Lesson 1 Exer. 1-8 on Wed. Oct. 8th
Be sure you have all the vocabulary terms to study for these exercises.

You will have a Proofreader's Marks Test on Friday!


Update assignment journal
Warmup:  MicroType Lesson 12
Assn:  Ex. 9, p. 49

You will have a test over Lesson 1 Exer. 1-8 on Wed. Oct. 8th
Be sure you have all the vocabulary terms to study for these exercises.

You will have a Proofreader's Marks Test on Friday!


Update assignment journal
Warmup:  MicroType Lesson 12

You will have a Proofreader's Marks Test on Friday!
Assn:  Lesson 1 Test


Update assignment journal
Warmup:  MicroType Lesson 12
Practice Proofreader's Marks Test
Assn:  Discuss & complete Ex. 10, p. 52 & 53


Update assignment journal
Warmup:  MicroType Lesson 12
*Proofreader's Marks Test
Assn:  Complete Print & Turn in  Ex. 10, p. 52 & 53
Create a flyer for THE GAME tonight using Word!

Week of 10/13/03


Update assignment journal
Warmup:  MicroType Lesson 13
Assn:  Ex. 11 p. 55 & 56 & Ex. 13, p. 65-67  "Learning Office XP Book"
           Read the lesson notes and procedures carefully before beginning.
           Follow all exercise directions carefully!
           Print & turn in!


Update assignment journal

Assn:   Write or key in words & definitions for Ex. 10 - 18.  (p. 50-82)

Update assignment journal
Warmup:  MicroType Lesson 13
Complete Ex. 11 & 12 with teacher


Update assignment journal
Warmup:  MicroType Lesson 13
Discuss Ex. 16 & 17
  Assn:  Ex. 16, p. 75
             Ex. 17, p. 79 & 80

*Today is the last day to turn in makeup work for the three week progress report period.


Update assignment journal
Warmup:  MicroType Lesson 13
Discuss Complete the exercises you started on Thurs.  Print & turn in!
  Assn:   Ex. 16, p. 75
              Ex. 17, p. 79 & 80


Week of 10/20/03

TEKS for the week:  1C, 1D, 2A, 3A, 3E


Update assignment journal
Warmup:  MicroType Lesson 13
Assn:  Ex. 18 p. 85 & 86   "Learning Office XP Book"
           Read the lesson notes and procedures carefully before beginning.
           Follow all exercise directions carefully!
           Print & turn in!day: 


Update assignment journal
Warmup:  MicroType Lesson 13
Assn:  Complete & turn in Ex. 18 p. 85 & 86  
            Read the Notes on pps. 87-89 
            Look over procedures on p. 89
            Complete Ex. 90, p. 90 & 91


Update assignment journal
Warmup:  MicroType Lesson 13 (Print & turn in Lesson Summary for a grade)
Assn:  Discuss Guidelines for Creating a One-Page Report
            Copy notes from p. 93 to study for test - (turn in notes for a grade)
            Complete Ex. 19, p. 90 & 91 (Turn in by EOC today)
            New Report Assignment:  Ex. 20, p. 95


Update assignment journal
Warmup:  MicroType Lesson 14
Assn:  Complete Reports  Ex. 20, p. 95 (Due by EOC today)
            Critical Thinking Ex. 21, p. 97


Update assignment journal
Warmup:  MicroType Lesson 14
Assn:  Makeup Time!
            Be sure & turn in Crit. Thinking Ex. 21, p.97 by EOC today.

Week of 10/27/03

TEKS for the week:  1C, 1D, 2A, 3A, 3E


Update assignment journal
Warmup:  MicroType Lesson 14
Assn:  Take notes to add to your Reports Notes
            Play Review Game to Study for Reports Test
            Reports Test Thurs!


Update assignment journal
Warmup:  MicroType Lesson 14
Assn:  Type rough draft of report from worksheet and save as ELECTRONIC. 
            Turn in worksheet when you are finished           
            Play Report Review Game to study for test!
            Test has been postponed to Friday.


Update assignment journal
Warmup:  MicroType Lesson 14
Assn:   Format ELECTRONIC Report by following instructions on worksheet.
            Check report with key        
            Play Report Review Game to study for test!
            Test Friday!


Update assignment journal
Warmup:  Play Report Review Game to study for test!
Assn:   Complete Reports Ex. 2 - Handout (Open the file GROVE from Local Disk Drive D & follow instructions on worksheet)
           Reports Test Friday!



Update assignment journal
Warmup:  Play Report Review Game to study for test!
Assn:    Reports Test Today!

Week of 12/01/03


Update assignment journal
Warmup:  MicroType Lesson 15
Assn:   Discuss Mail Merge and complete a Mail Merge Assignment with Teacher