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The sites on this page have either contributed to "Orca Blue Lagoon" with photos, information or inspiration. Thankyou!!

The Shamu Adventure: Where all my Sea World photos came from. An amazing site!!

When Whales Sing: Everything and anything to do with orcas. Incredible!!

Ocean Bound Orcas: A sad yet in depth site on captive orcas. Defently worth a look.

Dolphin Dreams UK: Everything to do with dolphins and orcas: galleries, info, links and more.

The Orca Homepage: A great site with an awesome wild orca photo gallery.

Orcas In Captivity: Everything you'd wanna know about captive orcas.

Amy's Orcas: A cute site about Amy's love of killer whales.

Orca Underwater Photography: A beautiful collection of underwater orca photography.

Orca Watch: A funky orca site with lots to look at.

Lastly, I would like to give a huge hug to Amy, for helping so much with this site. YOU are awesome!!