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Author, Music Composer, and Playwright.

Attended the RT Booklovers Convention 2012 in Chicago.


Dawn’s favorite MO? Writing for her Grandchildren, personification and humor!



Educational Books include-

Colors (and just colors)

Letters (and just letters)

Numbers (and just numbers)


Math Made Easy: Basic Operations

Includes terminology rarely taught, as well as the connections between operations, right down to an exercise that demonstrates why we can't divide by zero.

All at  a level a 4 or 5 yr. old might understand.


Math Made Easy: Combinations and Permutations

This book is great fun for 4 yr. olds to adults, presented in a way a 4 yr. old would understand.


Melodee Bells, Handbells, Tone Bells, etc!

Dawn's books are ways to get Immediate Performances.

Perfect for Preschool, and any age.

This is the way to get Handbell backup for young children playing Melodee Bells in church!

It's so easy, and there are so many options!  You need to check this out!


Her books are digital downloades on

For paperbacks go to

search for dawn labuy


Dawn just self-published her Short Stories and Poetry.

The book is called 13 Pieces.

It is available at Amazon or Kindle, $9.99 paperback and $2.99 e-book.


Direct link to 13 Pieces





Achromatic Apparel


If you don’t think that looks count, you might change your mind when you read this book. It’s a love story. Fate brings a couple together. They witness the full circle of life, from birth to death and everything in between.

We have a difficult Mom, dreams, work, love, kids, and grandkids.

The romance survives it all!


The book contains graphic sex and bad language.


Emily is the main character. It's her romance, and it's her life story.



Dawn's writing style for this book has been described as unique. As a music composer, she totally enjoys being refered to as different. The prose doesn't flow. This is done on purpose, as Dawn's main goal is producing interesting art in time. Some people don't notice the style and just love the book. Other people notice the style but love the book. Others get used to the style and enjoy the book. And then there are some who enjoy a constant flow to a book, and this book is not for them. Everyone has their own tastes. Dawn is not for everyone, but, if you give her a moment, she can be very entertaining!

Sue, Dawn's editor, sent this review to her:


I started your book late this morning and only put it down long enough to grab a snack and poop! Shortly I am going to go make dinner but I wanted you to know I love, love, love it!! You are a great writer girlfriend! Your book touched on so many heartfelt emotions! It made me laugh and it made me cry! The romantic love story was totally believable. The dream they each had of each other was so FABULOUS! I loved that whole concept and could feel the depth of their passion because they so knew each other was the right one for them. "Bravo!" The story is completely captivating to the point that I felt I was living their lives! The antics of the kids, and, eventually, the grand kids, are fun and funny. Touching on the realistic yet humorous side of Alzheimer's… So many people can really relate to this book in so many ways. I believe Achromatic Apparel (love the name now that I've digested the book!) is a WINNER!!!


Other Reviews:


I thought this book was sweet and cute and fast paced. I read it in one sitting and enjoyed reading of the love story and sexual adventures of Emily and John, and their lives together. It was pretty easy to read, and I liked the storyline. (4 stars).

Sexy erotica and contemporary romance story, “Achromatic Apparel” is the story of Emily and her husband John through the years. There are a lot of things that happen with them, from their sexual exploits to their many children. My favorite part were the dreams, and I loved the poem that John read in the restaurant. It is a different type of story, but one that I liked to read. (4 stars).

A fun, lighthearted read with lots of sex and family laughter. The story spans over almost all of Emily’s life. Once I got the hang of the author’s unique writing style I was able to lose myself into the story and follow along as everything happened. It was fun and I finished it in the course of two nights. Recommended for mature audiences only. (4 stars).

This was an interesting book, different from what I usually read. I admit I had a bit of a tough time connecting with the narrative style, as I found it to be stiff and choppy at times. The story is “told” to us in third person present tense, which, in my opinion, is a difficult literary style to master. Unfortunately it didn’t really work for me here in this case, as I prefer to be a part of a complex story as it unfolds organically. (3 stars).

“Achromatic Apparel” by Dawn LaBuy-Brockett tells the story of Emily as she grows up (quickly), dreams of her future love, meets and marries him (quickly), and then they have sex (lots) and babies (lots). I have to say I’m not really sure what to make of this novel. This one wasn’t really for me. (3 stars).


Emily has dreams where she sees the man of her dreams. Later she meets John and realizes he was the guy. They have some ups and downs, but eventually get it together and realize they are in love. They get married and then all the real fun starts. Not my cup of tea. (3 stars).   

      Direct link to Achromatic Apparel




Link to Achromatic Apparel on Facebook


Link to Achromatic Apparel on YouTube


A very simple shortcut:

Search for "dawn labuy" on Youtube to see all Dawn's offerings...


Direct link to Dawn on Amazon



Dawn's Music Available on Amazon: 



Trimming The Tree

 Every tune is most unique!                          

O Come, O Come Emmanue ( inspired by the march segment in the cartoon movie, "Ants." This is Dawn’s favorite!),

Away In A Manger, Christmas Is For Singing (an original, which was written by her sister Julie, who also is the vocalist on most of the album.), Silent Night, Hark The Herald Angels, Hear Them Sing, Good Christian Men Rejoice,

Dona Nobis Pacem (Wishing Everyone Peace on Earth!)






A symphony written by Dawn with enormous general public appeal! The symphony has four movements. The second movement is in Rondo form, and the third movement is a take-off on Three Blind Mice, in a minor key, complete with the canon that keeps changing in texture. The fourth movement inclues a Cha-Cha with a Hindu Melody. In particular, everyone dances through the second movement. They just can't help themselves!

E-mail Dawn for the score…








The music that inspired the Musical Play, "Butterflies," and the book, "All This Seems So Very Real." Genres include Blues, Pop, Renaissance, Reggae, and Ethnic music.



Dawn's CD's are available on, with MP3 downloads, and free previews.



Now Playing:

Dawn’s music with outstanding photos… It will knock your socks off, and you will want to go to Colorado!

Oscar in action! The diva and a character in Dawn's book, Jailhouse Food. A Featured Video on YouTube.

"The Salmon Secret" - a video of a staged play reading which became one of the short stories in Dawn's book, 13 Pieces.

"Mom?" - a video of a staged play reading which became one of the short stories in Dawn's book, 13 Pieces.


Dawn can be reached at:



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