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News & Information

24.03.05 STILL CHECKING THE WEBSITE EH? That's ok, im still updating it. Well, we've all been busy as usual. Things are going exceptionally well for Erik and Rob's new band Stefani Jaxsn and the Government. They are playing a ton of shows all accross Ontario, and are gearing up for one crazy summer. These guys are a riduculous band. Check out the website and see who they are working with, its really quite impressive. These guys are definately on the move, they have some shows lined up for Ottawa, so you might as well catch them before the tickets are $40 each. Speaking of which, Paul's new band Exile in Return is also doing well. They are riduculously tight, and (in the tradition of Navy Blue) are funky and pushing the bounds of music. Frontman Jon Gilbert is graduating from the UNiversity of Ottawa's Music Performance program this spring. In July, he will be movign to Toronto to continue to expand his skills, and then who knows what. He will be studying jazz with some very famous people. Erik is still right there with Jonny G at Ottawa U, and has one more year left in that program. Afterwards, he is considering applications to several prominent performance schools in Boston, NYC and LA. So good news, were all still doing what we do best. Maybe will play together again some day. Until the next time, keep you ears to the ground.

03.04.03 ...AND THE BAD; Due to a collective decision by the members of Navy Blue (As of Today, April 3) Navy Blue has decided to throw in the towel. After 3 years of fun on the Ottawa music scene and tons of great shows, we feel that our time in the spotlight is over. The four members of Navy Blue are still good freinds, dont worry; it just means we wont be playing together in a band anymore. Erik and Rob are contiuing to play with Stefani Jaxsn, Paul is continuing as lead guitarist in Stairwell K, and Jon is continuing in his flute performance education at the University of Ottawa.

Navy Blue would like to extend our thanks to the following people for making the band a success:
North Easton (for all your time and effort), Bryan Ruckstuhl (for the great shows at your great club), Jonny Vegas (for the great shows at Barrymores), Eugene Haslam (for the shows), Nancy and John from the Elbow Room (for the help), Nancy from the Underground (site of the first NB show), The Canadian Tulip Festival, Cisco Systems Bluesfest, Bob Reid (for financing our recording), Kirk Ellard, Katy Blom (for the photographs and memories), Jay Ruston, Eric Willison, Webmaster Jimmy, The Boys from Stariwell K (for all the good memories), The Groovebug, Adele Cardamone (for getting us on CBC Musicworks), Diane McNulty, KYGC, Trevor Strange and his boys, Katie, Shauna, Jennifow, Sawce, Markus, Peto, Kon, The Crew from Perez, and Anyone else we forgot. A mega thanks goes out to our families and freinds (you guys rock, thanks for the support), and (most of all) all of the wonderful fans who came out and supported us over the years. This website will remain operational until October 1, 2003- after which time will be inactive. The site will be available at Keep your ears to the ground, freinds.

Events & Concerts

April, 2003 No more shows, appearances, or anything else...sorry.
