Welcome to El's Homepage

Congratulations on accessing this site... However, it is under construction..(as always)!! All normal services will be resumed... as soon as I have time to sort it.

Right.. whilst I have your undying attention *LOL* I suppose a little info about me would be helpful.
Name: Eleanor... known to most as El. Or in the chat rooms - Gothic*Angel, Midnight*Shadow, SoulBreaker Bohemian Rhap (etc)

Age: (awwww... do I have to tell?) 25 (yet still acting like a 14 yr old!)

Lives: The grand little island known as Great Britain, in a county known as Suffolk in East Anglia.

I live with my husband Phil. *hugz*...been married since October 2004.
Love him tremendously and wouldn't change him for the world.
Life has its ups and downs... right now the downs really outnumber the ups... but not for too much longer!!

I should be getting into business with a good friend of mine... business partners I suppose you'd call it...
My job title P.A/Secretary/administrator.
Tell more when I know whats happening and when we get it sorted!!

Will be adding more as I get the chance
If you want a brief mention e-mail and I'll get you up there.

Thank you for your patience.



My Favorite Web Sites

Nevermore Hyperboards - Poetry - most of mine is up there.
A different chat room

Some of my poetry.

My Picture.

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