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Hello, may I introduce?!?

I am Michael Roth, a German student recently studying at the Hogeschool voor Economische Studies (HES) in Amsterdam. After finishing an apprenticeship with the Norisbank AG in Mainz (Germany) in January 1999 I inscribed myself in the Hogeschool van Utrecht for an International Finance and Accounting study. Living in Amsterdam and studying in Utrecht involved a lot of travelling so I chose to change school in September 2000 to the Hogeschool voor Economische Studies (HES) in Amsterdam.
If you want to know more about me, just click on my name in the first line of this page.
However, this is my first experience in studying abroad and staying abroad for a long period. Originating from the Rheingau, a nice area from the middle west of Germany, it was quite a change to come to Amsterdam, a city from a lot of different cultural influences and the slogan 'life and let life'. Of course, the Rheingau had some special things as well but it is not comparable at all with a city like Amsterdam.


As you can see the images from both areas are quite different. Still, both have their own charme. Yeah, I know, the picture of Amsterdam is not really giving an impression, so just click on it and you can see some more.


In fact Amsterdam is not so big, only some 800.000 inhabitants but most of them originate from a lot of other countries.
However, the variety of different cultures is enormous. People from all over the world are living together in this city. Due to this it gets a kind of international flair.

Of course, all these cultures combined also have problems with each other, still the live around here is quite peaceful.
But it makes the city very interesting as well. All kind of different influences starting with food andentertainment are here that cannot be found in other areas of the country.

Of course, as a student you can have a pleasant live here as well with the uncountable number of pubs, discos, restautants and other entertainment offers.
Just to give some examples there are:

- Melkweg
- Paradiso
- Arena
- Cafe de Jaren
- Het Losje
- Het Teehhuis
- Cafe Vertigo

In case you ever vist Amsterdam, just check them out.