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Medical Robotics

Team Progression

At the start of day one our group was confused, nervous, and a bit anxious. Once we started with our intial research and a contact in the medical robotics area we felt a little more secure. We established a team sponsor in the medical robots department at CMU. He was a great help and guided us to resources and crucial knowledge on developing our foundation on the basics of medical robotics. As time progressed and we began component two we began to understand the growth and need for continual growth in the area of medical robotics, and its potential in the future. Then came the overwhelming part of building and designing a website. As we began to try to build we were frustrated with our ignorance to technology. Within a few hours we felt like professionals (well maybe not quite). At the end of our project, we as a team, breathed a sigh of relief and looked at all the progress that we made from day one.

Team Communication

Communication in high school can be difficult especially concerning projects that involve out of class time. Due to all of our team members having extracircular activies, such as sports and jobs, it was difficult, to say the least, to organize time where group memebers could discuss and finalize decision concerning our project. We began this project not realizing this. However we soon realized that we must pull together and that this was truly a group project.We overcame this obstacle thanks to the internet and use of e-mail, as well as school to communicate ideas. We found that breaking up our team into smaller groups according to convience and locality, worked out best. This not only helped our communication and development, but turned out to be a necessity due to our difficult schedules. Now as we look back on our finished project, we again breathed a sign of relief, and looked back at our communication barriers we over came. This truly was a learning experience!

Team Recomendations

Recomendation 1: As your team begins to finish component one you should begin to develop your web site so that the work is not overwhelming. This is a step by step project, so if you stay on track, no one is left doing work at the last minute.

Recomendation 2: Don't procrastinate! Have your group meet at least once a week, to discuss progression. Set dates for the completion of particular parts of the project. To assist in this process, it would help to make a list of objectives that together form your final goal.

Recomendation 3: Choose a topic that your could is interested. This will make the project more exciting, keep the work from getting boring. This is the key to our overall success.

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