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It is necessary to harmonize legislation among States so that it allows the use of all technological advances in investigation, prevention and elimination of crime and, in general, in fighting organized international crime. If crime knows no boundaries, then neither should the fight against it.

Technological research must progress so that the telephone companies have the means necessary to provide the location data on mobile phones with the accuracy and speed required in different situations, such as has been set out above in various cases.

Police access to this and other data, which has been made possible by technology, must be permitted in accordance with the various legal regulations that, in some cases, already exist and, in others, it is necessary to define so that access is, at the same time, fast and secure.

In short, new kinds of criminality require new means of investigation and prevention. Citizens have the right to enjoy a reasonable level of security, and it is up to the States, to governments and institutions to ensure the level of security required by citizens and to enact the necessary regulations in that respect.

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