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14:13pm thursday 22 may 2003
who cares if you're socially inept, if you can talk with him the way you do.

things don't need to be angsty all day long. they can be forgotten for at least a while &pretend that everything's gonna be ok for few minutes.

you are the snail-rescuer! the saviour of little things.


ohsoobviously FAILED my physics, it's quite awful. i calculated that the highest i'm probably gonna get is 33%. can you believe that i thought graphics was a lot easier?? &that was the one everyone was panicking about...

work experience is uhm. non-existent. meant to have given something in by tomorrow, but ohwell. i'll probably be stuck at school (oh yes!!) &hey, slave labour why not? ah well. i've tried my best, ok, i've emailed, written, asked loads of people and i'm either not old enough or i need to send them a CV. which would be about half a page because I HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING.

i have to buy georgia's birthday present & sarah's too if i can afford postage. ah. a week &a day of absolutely nothing.

braindead tv days, here i come...