Leap of Faith!

The Link Below Will Take You To the Next Chapter in the Book of My Life ..

Cage of Iron comes after this one..

The brilliant golden sun shone high overhead casting it's rays across the open roof of the Mermaid House as a black crow perched itself on one of the rafters overhead and cried out in the summer breeze as if it was screaming out the two lovers bliss for all the world to hear. Anthony woke slowly still holding Her gently, with his arms wrapped around her firm naked body while they laid on the iron bed covered with moss and he softly kissed her neck. His voice whispered in her delicate ear,
"Awake my love the hour grows late."
His lips kissed along the very silk of her neck slowly as her warm azure blue eyes opened and she saw the clear blue sunny skies above her,with a sigh she woke and her hands ran to reach for his firm dark bottom behind her for a soft feel of his strong flesh beneath her silky selnder finger tips. She was like the suns energy shining deep down inside Anthony's heart and her soft voice sounded like the coo of a lovebird and she spoke so very eloquently,
"I had the loveliest dream my dear Anthony, I dreamt that we were both angels in heaven and we made love on top of a billowy white cloud."
Anthony spoke in a soft loving voice,
"We did my love,in our heart,as when two lovers reach such deep rapture it's as though they float in the Heavens above."
She smile and turned to him on the green mossy bed, and they locked thier embrace tighter and they gazed into each others eyes as their lips drew closer together sweetly kissing. His hands roamed her back carefully as the kisses grew deeper,their heads turning and twisting on the pillows of bright yellow buttercups. Breaking the very sweetness of their kiss,they both beamed knowingly,their naked bodies pressed firmly against each others, his hand reached up softly then glided through her golden hair. Anthony looked into her beautiful sweet face and smile as he spoke,
"My love its time to start our day,"
His words sent a small shiver through her very soul, he released her and slowly climb off the bed,his naked body before her feasting eyes she watched him walk to her side.His hand reached for hers and hers reached for his instinctively as he helped her up from the soft flower bed on which they laid and loved upon deeply only hours before. They stood naked under the black grapes and open rafter roof and they held each other softly, her plush breasts against his massive chest,she laid her head against his strong shoulder. They sighed inside the realization that their love was real and honest romance is a powerful drug much like a magic potion and this was their drink,but he pull slowly away and looked upon Her nakedness. Beautiful she was he thought,so firm and young,so round and pink her nipples and so dark the circle deep blush around them.Anthony smiled then whispered,
"I love you my butterfly,I love you more than the moon loves the stars as they dance around the night skies."
His soft voice sang to her soul and the sky was so blue with the scent of the flowers and grapes mixed together with the love they made only hours before permeating the air and making thier heads spin. Anthony reached for Her small hand and took it into his and he walked them both out of the House of the Mermaid,past the red roses that dotted the sides as the flower heads danced on their lush green vines,past the bamboo gate that hides this place from the rest of the plantation and the madness of the world then down they walked naked hand in hand on the path that ran through the tall bamboo and once again the bamboo stalks slowly bowed before them both.Her soft hand rubbed her eyes once more trying to wake from the sweet dreams of sleep and the afterglow they basked in only a few hours before,but the sun shone still higher in the afternoon skies as they walked slowly hand in hand towards the sound of falling waters,
"Where are we going my dear Anthony?
Her words sleepy yet tingles ran up and down his spine because her voice was like a cool summer breeze.
"You will see my love I have found a place like no others here on the grounds mansion,a place you have not seen yet."
He smile as they walked down the path as blue jays and humming birds flew overhead. Anthony pointed to the sky,his thick finger pointing to the black crow that flew above them leading the way,
"We follow the crow my love,where it goes so goes my soul."
Anthony's words seem haunting to her sweet soul and slowly they walked down the path, past a large willow tree that swept back and forth, almost like an old man dancing in the flowered covered gardens.Her fingers interlaced tighter with his as they walked down the path towards the sound of the water like Adam and Eve naked and unafraid.

The hot southern sun beats down hard over them both and the day becomes sticky,sultry and the sound of the falling water becomes clearer as they walked up a hill and past a large magnolia tree with its flowers in full bloom,its scent pure and sweet. They stopped and he reached up and broke off a small branch filled with magnolia blossoms and handed the pure sweet flowers to Her and she cradle them to her breasts as she blush. Anthony leaned down slowly and inhaled the sweet flowers or maybe it was Her sweetness that flowed through his head and rushed to his brain and into his soul. He leaned down and their lips meet as she held the flowers closer and with a brief kiss,she broke away and blushed hard,
"Thank you dear heart I love them but more importantly I love them because they were given to me by you."
Her lips moist as her words flow from her soul and she smiled innocently while his hand slid to her naked bottom and caressed it slowly while they continued thier walk up the hill past the Plumeria flowers that sprinkled around the bamboo shoots which lined the trail.

Reaching the top of the hill they came to the end of the path and the cliff that lied before them.
"Oh my God,"
Her words slipped from her lips as she clung to his body.

Below them lay a two hundred-foot drop into a crystal clear blue pond of water that was surrounded by wildflowers of all the colors of the rainbow: bright reds, soft yellows, pinks of all shades and bright white large roses graced the ponds edge. Only jagged rocks lined the gorge that droped before them and at the far end of the pond was a waterfall that flowed freely into the water below. At the top of the falls it ran wide but by the time It fell into the pond below it was only three-foot in width as if it was a shower of blue from the Heavens above.They watched as the crow landed on a branch of the last willow Tree fluffing its wet feathers.
"Please do not be afraid my lovely your safe with me."
Anthony said in a strong voice,but the cliff was so high and the gorge so deep,she shook with fear knowing only adventure and excitment laid before her eyes.
"Grab hold of my back and wrap your legs around my body sweet one and fly with me."
They stood naked before the world at the edge of time and the cliff below them and she shivered a bit and climb on his back and held tight.
He whispered softly,
"Now hold on as if this was your last moment of life."
The roar of the waterfalls grew louder inside her ears. Anthony moved closer to the Edge of the cliff and without a word and with Her clinging on his back and he raised his arms above his head while the crow flew from its branch down to the flowers deep below and circled them slowly. He dove off the cliff and she scream his name,
The wind rushed past them as she closed her eyes tightly,certain that this was her end. The rocky sides of the cliff were only a blur as they raced head long through the air faster as each moment passed,with his eyes wide shut,they plunged deeper into the gorge head first with her nails digging into his chest as the water loomed closer and in an instant: Splash! The coolness of the pond surrounded them and they sank deep into the water below.He swam her to the surface and they broke through the waters top,he laughed loudly but her hold on him never relinquished and she smacked his back for scaring her to death!
"Silly man!!" she shouted!
"You scared me half to death!
They bobbled up and down in the water then she broke free of his body and began to swim to the rocky shore but he swam faster and he caught her while she stroked through the water like an angelic mermaid being chased by a strong sailor.He grabbed her leg and pull Her back and they faced each other treading water and gazed into each others eyes,turning their heads to marvel at all the beautiful flowers that lined the pond. He glanced back in her eyes and they locked gazes and slowly their heads drew closer.Her lips touched his softly then parted as their eyes filled with love and desire and then thier lips locked again in an exciting passion filled kiss. Their tongues probed inside each others mouths fully as their hearts bonded as one while their kisses grew in intensity. Deeply they sucked on each others tongues as his hands held her slender waist feeling her firmness under the waters surface,gently their kiss broke and Anthony released her.
"Climb upon my back once more my dearest one."
He said as the water splashed around them in sheets. Tentatively She climbed on because she knew without fear she could not fall any futher down but only deeper in love. The black crow landed near a rock just besides the place where the water poured into the azure blue pond. Anthony's swam hard and his skin felt her nakedness surround him as he swam them both to the spot where the crow sat and watched.Brilliant deep blue and white streams of clouds stained the sky as if they where long white feathers sent by God to bless them both.Anthony swam mightily to the edge of the water where the falls poured itself into the light blue pond,water lilies danced on the surface of the water and large rocks line the outer edges of the shore and where the water cascaded into the pond it was only waist high and she slid off his back and stood with perfect pride.Her body wet and firm and her nipples hard from the excitement of the plunge,the plunge off the cliff and the plunge into thier love. Anthony turned to her slowly,their bodies naked to the world and they embraced long and tenderly while he moved her delicatly just under the flowing stream of the water falls above them.They kissed softly as the water rushed over their heads then they kissed long and passionately with Anthony's lips pulling against hers.Her hair fluttered from the breeze of the summers air and the breeze from the falling waters,they embraced long and tender as they held each other close then slowly they broke thier kiss and pull away from each other,even though their lower bodies were pressed hard against each other the water ran between their flesh sending waves of pleasure across her nipples. Her hands glided to his tight dark ass and she griped it hard while she threw her head back from the pleasure of the passion and the love that swept her heart away with pure desire.His lips move along her neck and softly kissed as the water plunges over them.His kisses were cascading around her neck like rain and his lips touched her wet skin carefully while his hands slipped along her shoulders and lower to Her firm young bottom.He grabbed Her and lifted her out of the water and it ran off her in trickles while the waterfalls gained power and it poured over them harder sending rivers of warm passion through their souls,like turquoise waters so still and yet so deep.

Anthony's lips moved across her right breast and he opened his mouth wide so he could take all of her breast into his hungry lips and he sucked hard as his shaft found her creamy wet slit and it slid in without effort. His tongue flickered around her nipple as his lips surrounded her breast,his pumping began slow at first and she sighed,
"Anthony dear heart oh my Love."
She murmured as his strokes became deeper and the water poured over them stronger and warmer while he moved her up and down his shaft of steel.He pushed in hard then slid out slowly,his lips moved off her breast and Her head fell back in heated bliss.Still the falls poured down between their bodies as his thrusts grew stronger inside her womanly portal, pounding inside her harder and deeper each time, sliding his shaft in again and again as the water bounced off their bodies sending waves of building raptures through her soul as Her eyes half-closed and she began to weep from the knowing of the unknown. Anthony's cock lumbered in harder and harder filling her heat with the raw power that only he possessed. The water falls showered over their bodies as his strong hands held her ass firmly,lifting her up and down over his thick cock again and again until it seemed time had almost stopped. Anthony's thickness was so hard that the veins buldged out alongits length and She could feel its ridges sliding between the delicate folds of her outer lips.Her head whipped around and they kissed,their lips locked together in the flames of passion and the emotions of true love. Thier kiss was so filled with raw sex that he slammed his cock inside her,deep past her pink abyss and he sprayed his seed inside her waiting lovers flower and she shook from the burning stream of his love juice that filled her as he pushed her over him so deeply that she broke the kiss and scream out his name in the pain and pleasure of the moment,
"Ohhhh, Anthony God no!"
Anthony slammed in hard and Her eyes grew wide,her ass banging down against his hips as large rivers of cum seeped down her satin legs where it was washed away by the pounding waters of the falls.

They looked into each others eyes seeing the fire that still burns with the powers of their love and they kiss deeply hungrily and fully once again. Their bodies wet from the falls and the juice of their own sticky love. He sliped Her off and let her down and she stood for a moment then she crumbled in the shallow water, weak and breathless. He yanked her golden hair, lifting her out of the blue waters,then he dragged her out from under the water fall,throwing Her against the rocky side of the gorge.Her hands held the rocks tightly and her face caressed the rock wall seeking its safety.But there was no safety there,his hands grabbed her hips and pull them to meet his still rock hard shaft. She griped the rocks on the gorge wall just as his shaft pierced her more then tight ass,
"Tony No!!!!"
She screamed out in flames as his cock head penetrated inside her perfect bottom.
"Tony, oh my God yes!"
She screamed wildly as Anthony's cock slammed in and out of her firm ass.Hard fast,long deep strokes inside her darkness,his right hand glided across her clit,he squeezed it hard between his finger tips,still slamming his massive shaft inside her again and again as the waves of overpowering rapture shook her body and she climaxed from his savage passions.
"*Mine,* For all time forever and a day and I refuse to let you go because we love and we were meant to be one and you belong to me as you submitted your love to mine."
Anthony's cock slammed in again relentlessly inside Her highly pressured ass yet her lower body danced back and forth to meet his hips her back arched hard with pride.Faster he pushed his cock inside her as he scream,
"You are mine because I am yours,"
His sword of flesh swelled up once more and the pressure was almost painful as it explored her depths fully again and again until it exploded inside her sending white hot streams of cum deep inside her ass filling her every need and sending waves of more orgasms through her naked soul. His fingers released her clit and he slapped her ass hard as he slid his sticky wet shaft out of her dark hole.

Her legs buckled from the deep orgasms of her hearts mind and Anthony swept her up and carried her to the waters coolness where he gingerly laid her down and rinsed her off. Breathless Anthony rinsed Her body clean of the lovers juice they shared.
"I love you so much and my soul cries out your name in the still of the night,all I need in this world is for you to love me for all time and never leave my side."
Anthony stood and screamed so loud the angels in Heaven hid from the power of his voice. At the top of the cliff stood a mighty black steed,it cowered at the site of the depth of the gorge.
"Come to me Zalhazar!!! With that call the mighty stallion jumped and flew through the air,it screamed as only a horse could and it landed hard in the deep end of the water with a very large splash. It swam past them both then it walked on shore and waited. Anthony's swept Her up and he place you hard on his horse,his words were confident,
"You are mine now you have given yourself to me and my love is greater than any and I give it all to thee!"
He climbed on his mount in front of her and Zalhazar raised up on its hind legs and they raced off with Her clinging on his nude tight body and they rode like the wind.

The crow flew before them as they rode along the ponds edge and down the river basking in the afterglow of deep love and devotion. The sun seemed lower and storm clouds approached but for us their are only the memories of raptures and dreams yet to come because they were eternal lovers and deep down inside they knew this was true for when two souls love as deeply as they did no other can pull them apart.

They rode down the river splashing,naked and before God and Anthony turned to Her his eyes filled with his love.
"We are forever lovers."
The sun became only a crest of gold as they rode back to the plantation of love with both their hearts and souls filled with peace and harmony and She pondered and reflected back to the time she saw the angels sing up above the white clouds so high and she truly felt once again that she was on cloud nine because his love was inside her heart and there it would last forever and always...


*~Dalton Anthony~*