...this FRIENDSHIP which I could not hold or touch makes all the difference in my life...

        - may our friendship outlive our lives..-



this here are just some of the faces of my friends.

.i owe them a lot..they had been there for me ..

ReaLLY been there for me..

guys, thank you..I am humbled ....


        coffee at makati                                best faces                                            tagaytay hang-out

        batangas beach                                 the force to reckon with                       cafe by the ruins

        her majesty: the Mayon                     kenneth n me                                       bellfry of Cagsawa


Me,Moi,Ako Ni:


       ATC Shot

       Butterflies and Goddesses

       Looking Up

       Of Pirates & Ladies

       A Pose to Reconsider

       At Rizal's

each one has a reason for crossing our life's path..and they bring with gifts and lessons which we have to learn, they need not stay longer than that. But for those who stays, I thank you for the colors you bring to my life. For those who has to move-on, you'll always be remembered... but in any case it is said that goodbye is necessary for friends to meet again and meeting again is a sure thing for those who are really friends. Remember Jonathan Livingston's Seagull.." in the middle of Here and Now ,dont you think we might see each other once or twice?"...:-)

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