Penfires On The Hot Trail of Awesome Travels and Food Trips

My Travel/Personal Website 2010 and onwards

CLICK HERE TO GO TO PENFIRES! A Filipina Travel and Personal Blog

Whoa! I am so happy that i have gained accessed again to this blog, this angelfire blog /blues/kismet was the very 1st one I made online early 2001. Even before "blogs" and "blogger" became household words, I have been blogging :)..and that was eons ago!!! And the year today is 2011! A full decade has passed! Amazing! Am just excited to read all my entries here although i have to say that I have grown a lot .. i was so young and naive when i started and wrote on this blog which is mostly full of heartaches and angst .. i think I am more mature now heheh although i really couldn't say hahhah And there was no google before, and my thoughts were safe but now these google bots has become my bane and I have to delete 'incriminating blog posts' about feelings of yesteryears hehehehe I have really grown a lot from the girl I was before a decade ago. Do I feel old? No, I feel more at ease with myself, happy with the girl I have become. You can now follow me @ my personal and travel blog at Penfires! I will no longer be updating this blog because my main blog website now is at Penfires. It's great though to find this blog allows me to appreciate more what I have now and what I have become. Thank heavens for an amazing journey! Onward we go! cille anne =)
