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Angel Connection

In Memory Of Tina Lynn Burks

Who would have thought that such a tiny word
Would cause us to call upon our lord
We are full of sin and strife
And we cannot blame our life
Why do we worry so,
When god made the flowers grow
And the sky that can be so blue
He gave us humans a clue
That we should give up our worries
And stop our hurries
We should stop and give thanks
For each day we are given

-Terry, Tina's Mom

We come in all colors
And sizes short and tall
But our lord loves us all
We make mistakes
That we have no doubt
And there is no need to pout
Our minister tries to
Teach us wrong from right
And lead us into the light
But do we listen
We try not to stray
But let us live day by day
Thank you lord for listening and loving us
Help us encounter each night and day
And keep us on the straight and narrow way
-Terry, Tina's Mom

It Never Ends
When I think I’m finally free
To live again
I hear a voice or maybe your favorite song
And then I realize
The pain
It never ends
It never ends
I see a shadow
Or a glimpse of someone familiar
And then realize
That it’s not you
The pain
It never ends
It never ends
When I look into my grandchild’s eyes
Or your favorite holiday comes
I again know that the pain
It never ends
It never ends
I turn on the t.v.
Or the radio
I try to read
To stop the tears
But the pain
It never ends
It never ends
I know that you are with god
And the angels are hugging
You tight
But my pain still
Never ends
It never ends
-Terry, Tina's Mom

Life is what we make it
We can enjoy each day
Or we can waste our time
Enjoy the children while they are young
Because once they are teens
They will not know you
We all make mistakes
Even those who claim they don’t
We can linger in guilt
But why should we
Each minute can be a new start
Just learn by the errors that we make
-Terry, Tina's Mom

I wake each morning
And go to bed each night
And ask myself why
Did my child have to die
Doesn’t God know that he took
A part of my heart and soul
I have a hole in my life
That can not be filled
I would give everything I own
And borrow more
Just to hold you once again
And tell you how much you mean to me
I love you my child
Although you are not here in body
You will always own a part of me
Others do not know
Nor can they
Of the pain and heartache
That I suffer each minute of every day
-Terry, Tina's Mom.

All poetry on this page are written and owned by
Tina's Mom. Do not borrow, take, or use without
written permission. Thank you.

Happy Valentine's Day 2006 Tina!!!
Love, Mom

Email Tina's Mom, Terry!

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