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Sheila's Page


Carl & Sheila aboard Carnival's 

cruise ship, Ecstasy.  

This is just one of the many excursions Carl and I have been able to go on, thanks to his agricultural connections.  Carl is self-employed as an agricultural consultant.

Our Family

This photo was taken in July 2002.  We need to have a new one done.  Pictured are (Back Row - L to R) Carmen, Sheila, Holly, and (Front Row - L to R) Curt, Carl and Faith.

The purpose of this page is to share the joy of my beautiful family and the greatness of God's love with you!

I have a wonderful husband, Carl, and two beautiful daughters, Holly, age 27, and Faith, 5, as well as two step-children, Carmen, 22, and Curt, 19.   I am extremely proud of my family.

Holly is married with two beautiful little girls of her own, Sydney and Elizabeth.  She attended Wesleyan College in Macon prior to marrying her husband, Kevin, who is enlisted in the United States Air Force.  I marvel at what wonderful parents Holly and Kevin are.  Both of their daughters are happy and healthy, well-adjusted, and in "Grammi's" eyes, absolutely adorable.

At 42 I became pregnant with Faith.  During the 16th week of the pregnancy, we learned that she would have Down syndrome.  Shock, anger and fear are just a few ways to describe how we felt, but God has a way of preparing us for the unknown.  We began to research her condition, and came to understand more about it as the pregnancy continued.  

Faith is one of the most loving (and most loved) children I have ever seen. Faith is very smart. She has come a long way in her three years of life. She is making great strides. She can talk, feed herself with a spoon, and go potty like a big girl; and walk, run and climb all over the place. She has learned to say her ABC's all by herself, and she can count to 12. She can also tell you how old she is, where she lives, the name of her Mommy and Daddy, and can spell her name! She is very good at remembering things once she has learned them.  Recently she amazed her aunt when she began reciting nursery rhymes one after the other!!!  Faith is in AWANA (Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed - a Christian Bible training group at our church) and she has just completed the Cubbies level that lasts for two years.  She finished along with all the other Cubbies and earned as many if not more patches and awards as any other "typical" child.  She moved up the Sparks level in the fall of 2006 and earned her vest in the second week of club.  In order to earn her vest she had to memorize and recite the club motto, John 3:16, and both the pledge to the American flag and the AWANA flag as well as attend two club meetings in a row.

Faith began kindergarten in public school this fall.  She is learning many new things this year. At the end of her first month she was recognizing sight words (they only began working on sight words in the fourth week of school).  Her teacher said Faith is like a sponge -- continuously soaking up everything!  Sounds pretty much like a "normal" kid, huh?
I am a watcher -- I watch parents with children and wonder what they are thinking and feeling when their child accomplishes something -- anything -- great or small. You see, with my first child I think -- no, I know, I took many things for granted. I knew she would walk, talk, and do great things -- and she has! 
With Faith, I have been humbled. I cried when she first pulled up all by herself and stood by a chair ottoman; and the waterworks were even greater when she took those first steps alone. I watch parents snapping at their children and telling them to be quiet. I want to go over and say, "Be happy they can talk!" I hold my tongue! I have learned never to take the little things for granted. Do as I do when your child walks across the room saying "Mommy, Mommy" over and over just because she can!   

Without a doubt, God has truly blessed our lives.

Click below to view Photo Pages

  Carl & Sheila  

Our Children...

Our Grandchildren...

Our Extended Family...

Holly FaithCarmenCurt

Sydney - Elizabeth

More Family Pics

Follow These Neat Links

*** Some of My Favorites ***

Families For Awareness of Children Extraordinaire - F.A.C.E. - This page was designed by me.  It is a support group for families of special needs children.  Most of the children in our group have Down syndrome.

National Down Syndrome Society  This is a wonderful site to find out more about Down syndrome.  It is a big help for parents and other individuals who have never dealt with children with DS.  As the parent of a baby with Down syndrome, my husband and I tried to do all the research we could.  This site really helped us learn more and prepare us for the birth of our baby girl.

Babies Can't Wait of Georgia - This organization  is great for parents of children with special needs age birth to 3 years.  I don't honestly know how we would have managed without their help.  Check the site out and see for yourself.

*** Other Favorites ***

Carl Hobbs Ag Consulting If  agriculture is your passion, you'll like this.  I may be a bit prejudiced, though, since this page is my husband's website.


First Baptist Church of Ashburn -- My church.  I love it and the people in it.  If you are ever in Ashburn and need a place to attend Worship or Sunday School, please feel free to drop in.

Crossword of the Day  -  If you like puzzles, you'll love this page.  I enjoy a little break from housework once in a while and drop in there.

This page last updated June 7, 2006.


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