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Importing Rules
Importing Plans
Importing Form
Exporting Form

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IE House Records

Disclaimer: This website is simulated (imaginary, pretend, etc) and is apart of the SDC.
It exists only in the world of SIM and in our minds and hearts.

Importing -

Importing is a process by which members can receive new dogs after joining the club and having been active for 1 month minimum. Reasons for importing...

- If you can't find another member with pups or dogs of your desired breed for sale you could import instead
- If you want to own a rare breed that is not currently in the club
- Or you simply want to introduce new bloodlines

Members who wish to import must be screened by our Import Manager. To do this you must send in an Application Form. (The screening process can take from 3-6 days. If you are approved for importing you may select 1 of our 3 plans...

Express - A quick easy plan designed for members who want an import quickly. You may specify basics only (i.e. age/gender/color/breed). Our cheapest plan at $300 p/ import.
Excel - Takes about 1 wk. Provides dogs of higher quality. Allows members to tailor their requests to finer detail. $500 p/ dog.
Premium - The Premium takes about 2 wks and provides members with dogs of superior quality. Somewhat pricey at $900 p/ dog but allows members to import dogs from abroad, with champion lines, and more.

For complete information and details check out Importing Plans.

Exporting -

Exporting is for members who wish to remove some of their dogs from the club. If you have a dog you want to sell but no one wants to buy him/her, then you could export. Or if you're leaving the club and you don't your dogs to go up for adoption you could export them. Exporting fee p/ dog: $25.00

Note: An exported dog is a dog who no longer exists in SIM...once exported a dog may not return to the SDC.

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