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Proudly presented by Aerobics Sub-Club of

National University of Singapore


HyperJive 2002 had successfully been carried out! Thanx to ALL your SUPPORT! Here are some updates on the events that took place at HyperJive2002!

What is HyperJive?

HyperJive is an annual 2 hrs aerobics marathon held by the NUS Aerobics Sub-Club. 4 professional aerobics instructors will take turns to lead the participants through the marathon. There will also be a workout shown by our very own NUS Aerobics demo team!

Take a look at some shots taken at past HyperJive!
Why Should I Join?

You get to enjoy a
great workout, and you also get a chance to win great prizes! $800 worth of LUCKY DRAW PRIZES and $500 worth of PRIZES for the AWARDS! You might be one of our lucky winners!!! Check out our sponsors! What's more, you might be crowned our HyperJive King/Queen, or other awards like Most Energetic, Most Potential and Most Stylish! So why wait? Sign up NOW!
When is IT?

This year's
HyperJive will be held on 30th August. The workout will start at 5.30pm and will last for 2 hours, ending at 7.30pm. Have a PEEK at the programme for that day!!
Where is IT?

HyperJive will be held at the NUS Forum.

Dunno how to get there???

CLICK here for directions!(Locate "Central Library")

How to Register?

To Register, you can print the
registration form , fill it in and bring it to our registration booth. This saves both urs n our time!
Else, u can get the form from our booth and fill in on the spot. Please remember to bring the money,
$5 for undergrads and students, $7 for postgrads, staff and Public.
So why wait? Sign up now!

Date 'n Venue of Registration Booths
Arts Fac outside LT 9 : 26-28/8 (11am-3pm)

Ex-Ng Eng Teng Gallery/Notebook Ctr: 29/8 (11am-3pm)

NUS Forum: 15/8 (9am-6pm) & 16/8 (9am-5pm)

IF U missed all the above registration dates, DUN WORRY! U can REGISTER on the DAY of HYPERJIVE! So,bring along urself in comfy clothes and JOIN US for the FUN WORKOUT!

EXTRA!!!!there'll be FREE Anlene yoghurt at FORUM from 1pm on the day of HYPERJIVE! Free gifts available while stocks last!

Look OUT for OUR BANNER~! 
 Further Queries? Email US at :
::Last Updated: 26th August 2002::