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Popuri is the most immature one in the whole game. She often cries when she argues with her brother Rick. She stays with Rick and her mother, Lillia in the Poultry Farm.



Inaccesible room: Upstairs (Only accesible when you get Popuri to green heart and make friends with Rick and Lillia)

Birthday: 3rd Summer

Boyfriend: Kai

Favorite flowers: Pink Cat Flowers and Toy Flowers

Loves: Spa-boiled eggs, honey, sweets, jewellery, any dish made from egg

Likes: Milk, weeds, eggs, corn, many more

Hates: Any ores, bugs, snakes, monkeys, lumber, wine



What day What time Where
Monday-Saturday 7.40am-10.00am Near the hot-springs
Monday-Saturday 10.50am-end of day At her house
Sunday 10.00am-2.00pm Church
Sunday 2.00pm-about 4.00pm Rose Square
Sunday (Summer) 12.00pm-5.00pm Mineral Beach



1.When you first see her, she will be in the Poultry Farm quarelling with her brother. (She still follows normal routine before that, but she will say "Why does he talk to me so much?") She will run away crying and Rick will ask you to get her back. Find her in the Hot Springs and give her your symphathies.

2.When Popuri has a purple heart, go to the Poultry Farm. Popuri will say that she wants to go away from town. Say that could be interesting and she will like you more. If not, she will change back to black heart.

3.In Summer, If Popuri likes you enough, she will come and give you an egg that her hen Begak laid. When the egg hatches, name it Popuri. Popuri will come a few days after the chick hatched and she will be happy that you named the chick after her. Her heart will go up one color.

4.After marrying Popuri, one day when you wake up, Popuri will be calling you from outside. When you go outside, you see a bird with an injured wing. Popuri will heal it and you watch them fly away together.