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They are exactly the same as BTN. Same likes, same girlfriend...... You know what I mean.


Kai is the flashy ladies man who "comes during the summer, upsets everyone, and then leaves", according to Rick.

Girlfriend: Popuri

Likes: Corn, oil, pink cat flowers

*NOTE: He hates spa-boiled eggs

Tim the Doctor

The strange thing about him is that he has no name. Everyone, even his wife calls him Doctor. Actually his name is Tim. Stu named his dog after the doctor. He is expressionless most of the time unless you disturb him.

Girlfriend: Elli

Likes: Wine, blue, green, red grass, poisonous mushrooms, and maybe oil(?)


Gray is the most decent looking one in the whole 5 guys. But he always wears that stupid hat......

Girlfriend: Mary

Likes: Eggs, Metal ore, lumber, medicine


Cliff seems to have got Cain (his birdee) back, and he looks so much fiercer than before...... Was he really that shy boy?

Girlfriend: Ann (duh)

Likes: Spa-boiled eggs, bread


Rick is the grossest guy in the 5 of them. He is so geeky looking and grumbles a lot. Worse thing is that he likes Karen!!!(tsk tsk so gross)

Girlfriend: Karen

Likes: Spa-boiled eggs, chicken feed, mushrooms, fighting with Kai




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