*~Garden of Dreams~*

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Grand Ball of the Blue Rose~

How do I touch a blue rose so fair?
My words weak my manner fair.
How do I touch this rose so rare?
Unfold it's petals make it breathe the air.
How do I shine golden rays on it's essence?
Make it feel the wonders of care.
Shower it with poems soft sweet and bold.
Bring down the warmth of the sweet scented air.
Let the mist of my soul rush over its petals soft.
Brush it against my lips, feeling the softness of it's petals.
How do I express the emotions I feel?
Dances of hearts I wonder if it's enough.
How do I hold it in my hands strong?
Not wanting it crushed but savoring it's essence.
I lay in bed at times of deep despair.
Wondering softly is my love enough.
How do I unfold the wonders of you?
The most perfect Blue Rose.
Only the night stars know.

Perfection in summers golden sunlit rays cascaded light and magic through out the empty park on that warm day in the middle of July. A beautiful day filled with the sounds of birds as they sung their melodic songs of Love and joy, the air was fresh and the fragrance of sweet wild flowers ruled the atmosphere, honey suckles mixed with magnolias, wild orchids and the exotic plumeria flowers, each with their own soft shade but vivid in their own wonders. Even Gods most hidden treasure the daisy grew in large numbers surrounding the park making it more enchanting then even God himself thought possible.
The gardens were wonderfully designed as if by Kincade himself, clusters of flowering rose bushes dotted the grounds, so many colors so bright and warm, soft pastels and babies breaths flourished surely this was Eden itself. Along the far end of the park sat a lonely swing set painted a soft azure blue, its swings moving slowly against the soft breeze that flowed past each of them gently. Child’s toys in a park, but we grown, teeter totters and sand boxes sat quietly waiting to be used by young souls of any age, but now they sat dormant and still. In the middle of the park was a massive stone and granite fountain and its spray sailed high into the air then showered down in an arch back into its clear blue pool. It's stream came from atop of a large marble ball that sat on it's granite pedestal in the mist of the blue waters it rained down upon. Diamond shaped this fountain of love and play,it had so many sides to its wonders as it sang softly while the waters from the fountains spray hit upon the surface in a melody of life, love and passions that were for all who came to play here.
It was one of Gods wonders this park of the Saints, and everyone knew this is where the most loved came to find peace in a world gone completely mad and this is the place where they always said sometime, someday they would meet and be one.
She was nervous as she waited by the swings, her chemise hair showered around her shoulders lifted only by the gentleness of the breeze that ran its very fingers through her silky velveteen hair. Softly she rubbed her hands together and shifted in her sun dress of white that flowed longer then she would have liked but because it was light cotton and very sheer the breeze picked it up, floating it around her thighs as she tried in vain to hold it down. Its cut was very low, revealing the tops of her creamy breasts, high wasted it held her breasts up and taunt, her nipples peeking out through the sheerness of the fabric the material rubbing her peeks creating a friction that made them even harder then they already were with the excitement of what was to come. She walked slowly around the swing set as she waited for Anthony to come to her. Her deep soulful eyes would close at times as if she was in silent prayer that he would come because she needed him desperately to hold her by the swings as they had vowed. She was getting sleepy now, the sun relaxing her and her eyes didn't want to stay open any longer and she drifted into dreams of them and how they loved. She didn't hear him walk up to her quietly but she felt his hand caress her check and she knew just by his touch is was him and he had come for her.
She slowly opened her eyes then looked at his face and sighed at his touch. Anthony was smiling softly but his eyes were filled with stars on fire that danced in a ballet of hearts, twirling as they gazed into hers. He's wearing jeans for me, she thought to herself, and that jean shirt comes home with me she giggled inside. They looked at each other with out words until he leaned in slowly and their lips joined as one in the sweetest of kisses that were ever created. She shivered at his lips as they touched hers and her legs became weak but her arms raced around his body to embrace him tightly so she could hold herself up and so she could snuggled into his chest at the same time. Paradise found in the arms of forever lovers, his hand glides from her face, as he nibbled on her lower, lip then he took her hand into his, interlacing fingers with hers, and before she knew it they were running like children through the park and laughing. Her candy sweet hair was flying in the wind as they ran and she almost couldn't keep up with him as he ran faster towards the fountain of love.
She was breathless when they got to the edge of the cool waters, the spray of the fountain sang its song close behind them, the mist of the waters just beginning to wet their skin. It felt wonderful, fresh in the heat of their love to be gently caressed by the waters so Sacred and Holy. Anthony turned to her then looked her deeply into her eyes, he was more then playful this day but still she saw in the depths of his dark brown eyes the fires of passions love she needed to survive, she dreamed of drinking from the well of his love and from his very fountain itself that was filled with the seed of new life.
The walls that surrounded the diamond pool of the fountain were only three feet high and before she knew it he had her in his strong arms lifting her up like she was a small child cradling her in his arms then he leaned in and kissed her lips deeply as he stepped over the fountain wall and walked her directly under the cool of the cascading waters that showered down on both of them, soaking them while he kissed on. She held on for dear life but not breaking this kiss because it was to perfect, all of it, and she feared if her lips parted from his she would wake from this dream of love. But love is not a dream for the meek, its not a dream at all but a real emotion which is filled with so many different and amazing facets, just like the pool he stood in was, so many sides, so many levels and so many twist and turns but always it was love and this pool was pure magic in aqua blue. Very slowly Anthony broke the kiss then lowered her into the water with care, holding her close in his arms and feeling her heart beat hard under her breast. Her dress was now completely soaked and transparent even from far away, it was as though she was naked and in a way she was because under this summer dress she had worn nothing to entice him with and drive him frantic with need. She was amazed though at where she was and who she was with, she never thought she would be standing wet in a fountain so cool but yet she would feel so hot and the sun had little to do with it. He slid his hands along her hips and turned her around with care, she didn't know what to say and so she said nothing, but sighed at each and every one of his touches, his hands large and rough but tender when they moved her and they always moved her. He pushed her softly under the waters spray and under the very arch of water were there was a break in the showers of blue that cascaded overhead and behind them now. It was dryer here but still both of them were wet and in flames. She was gazing at the large marble ball that the spray streamed out of from its top.A symbol of the world and the new life that sprang forth. Her hands reached out and touched its smoothness as she stepped up on the foundation which stood above the water line, the foundation held the massive ball in place in the forever moments of forever time. Her small hands caressed the coolness of the ball she was lost in her love for this day and for him as well, never really feeling her dress being lifted from behind, her sculptured ass bear to the mist and the suns golden rays, but she did feel his hand slide along her sweetness then glide between her legs softly petting at her folds. Her back arched, hard at his touch, her head fell backwards and her eyes closed tightly, already she felt the waves building from the gentle pets of his fingers across her folds which had a wetness of their own now. She shivered at his touch and then it was gone, her head tilted to her side slowly, she could feel the buttons along the back of her sun dress come undone, from the top one by one, they fell open until they were all undone except the lowest back one which he left on.
Anthony moved her arms slowly and slipped off her dress and it fell hard and heavy with water to her slender waist. She moaned softly as she felt his hand slip around her body and cradle her breast, lovingly his fingers kneading it then lifting it up holding her breast high, sliding his fingers out then latching on her tight nipple.
She was lost in this, everything seemed out of focus and things were moving so fast she didn't noticed he had slid down his jeans and his manhood was now pressed against her warm flower, she felt it pierce her outer lips and she gasped when he lunged it in all at once with fury. Her hands gripped the marble ball which stood in front of her and she tried to hold on while he pumped relentlessly in and out of her womanly portal which was now creaming over his cock from the passions they shared as one. Anthony released her nipple from his grip then glided his hands along her wet body, caressing each of her curves while he set a pace that was harder then she had expected at this time, but nothing was like she had expected it to be and she was close to raptures fire with his shaft pushing in against her g spot time and time again, it was colors in motion before her very eyes. One of his hands held her hip still as she stuck her ass back into him proudly, his other hand tickled across her thigh then moved to her flower as her hand move to meet his and they both began to fight at petting her pearl while they smiled at the romance of it all. Taking turns they stroked her pearl softly but the poundings from his cock were getting much to hard for any control of fingers in soft pets. Each thrust of his shaft she felt, lumbering insider her. Her back arching harder, her breast bouncing up then crashing back down as she fucked back into his thick man root that was now swelled up so hard inside her she didn't ever think he could slide it out again and she didn't want him to because she was about to climax and climax hard. One mighty thrust after another she felt his cock push into her folds but she felt his love in her heart so deeply as the waves began to crash against the shore of her climax. Her dress was around her waist still clinging to her body, she felt his lips softly kissing her back in quadrants, tender kisses moving in sectors over her wet skin made her tingle from the caress of his tender lips that worked as if they knew just were she wished to be kissed and how she wished to be kissed because he did and his lips, his kisses never seemed to end along her back as he kissed over and across from one shoulder to another in sheer tender love that made her quiver from the art of his never ending dance of a kiss to her heart.
It was magic in aqua something very rare indeed and there was nothing but love as he pushed his shaft in deep then pulled it out, crashing it in harder each time, his lips moved off her shoulder, then kissed softly behind her sweet ear, licking at her ear ring as he whispered his love forever and always yet eternally.
"All my life my tender one I have sought your souls love and now that I have found you we are completely one in the forever moments that bind us in the majesty in which we love.”
Anthony's thrust were impacting her hard now, she felt his groans grow louder as the first drops of cum entered her flower so deep until she could not take it any longer and she raised her head high, throwing it back wildly, pushing hard against his meat then she exploded into waves of stars that floated inside her mind, sailing on the crest of rapture that was so perfect in its intensity it would mark her as his for life. His shaft exploded, streaming his white hot seed into her pink flower in bloom, filling her deeply as he pressed it in again, pushing it in with force in places she never thought could be reached. One rapture they both shared that was so powerful she almost collapsed from the sheer awesome power of the tidal wave of love that rushed over her heart.
She was shaking hard now as she clung to the massive ball in front of her then she turned her head and they kissed so deeply she felt her breath being stolen from he lungs as it escaped into his. Their lips parted and their tongues flickered with tiny touches of tongue tip against tongue tip, wild fire kisses pressed against their lips locked in lovers endless grand bliss. She had to breath, she was growing faint once more, breaking the kiss she leaned against the massive marble ball of the fountain and held it tight pressing her check against it to savor the coolness against her hot face. She felt his cock slide out very slowly and she shivered from the pearls and after shocks of her own climax, felt his seed running down her inner thighs but felt even more the places in which it still stuck inside her heat swollen and throbbing in afterglow.
Dreams and forever love, wonders in magic and slight of hand, love everlasting so deep and so real that at times the past is the future and the future the past. Who is to know how deeply love is and how long forever last but I know that for us forever is eternal in the souls of our forever love and the depth of our love runs deeper then any poet would every dream, depth of love so great tears flow even as I write this. Grander of love everlasting more powerful then even the stars could imagine, blush of moon even in the twilight's of our dreams always outshine the golden rays of forever sun. How do I live I wonder with this overwhelming love I hold so strong in it's sweet perfection blue. Just amazing it is when two hearts connected in fire busts and silver balls of love that blend into one. Life I will never really understand its wonders and love I master it always but on this day it was deeper then the love making they shared under the spray of the fountain of life but it was a completion of a promise to someday meet by the swings that bought me into tears of wonder. How great God is to make man feel love,how wonderful life is when two who should be one are completed in each others arms and how painful it is when dreams rule the day instead of the sweetness of the flowers in realities summer sun. My heart so full of love sometimes is just to heavy to carry in my body and I stumble and need uplifting such is the course of my life in this world, my cross to bear, I love deeper then even God allows and feel pain deeper then even the devil could conceive.
She held the smooth fountain ball clutching it firmly under her arms so she wouldn't slip back into the water, her legs weak from the fury of it all and her rapture still showering sparks through her souls mind.
It was then she noticed something missing and he was gone.
All that was left was his gift of life in her womb, afterglow in the sunset of high afternoon and a promised filled in one small dream...
Meet me by the swings ...

Come what may....

Never Let Go~

*~King Akoni~*