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The Link Below Will Take You To the Next Chapter in the Book of My Life..

House of The Mermaid comes after this one..

The lush front lawn was the Lord's gift to life and love and it was filled with its green splendor as it rolled softly towards the dirt road that lay before it. Finely trimmed hedges lined the sides of the big lawn and they seemed to stand like soldiers guarding the Southern mansion. Erect in silence they swayed softly in the summer breeze. In front of the big house sat a flower bed filled with tall flowers that beamed with all the colors of life they dance in the soft winds of loves splendid sweet summer. Slowly the flowers swayed around under the colorful butterflies that hovered above them. Their scent was warm and fragrant and it filled the Plantation and mixed with the freshly cut grass drifting along on puffs of air creating the scent of summer itself. Bright sunlight shines down on this place as tender white streaking clouds stretched along the blue sky above. Flocks of birds visited this place maybe because of the flowers maybe because they know of things yet to be.
Crows flew high above and mix with doves and played in the sky and the wings of love birds and blue jays danced the dance of freedom in flight. The big mansion is made of Spanish red brick that came from the rocky place down in the other side of the valley. They held the home firm with their strength and hard beauty. White trim outlines this magnificent house with it's four thick columns of white that hold up it's large front entrance ivory power which uplifted the front of the welcoming mansions ambiance greeted all who where one with love. The huge doors that led into the foyer was massive, full and painted a deep red with a large knocker made of gold in the shape of two hearts that caressed the door making it shimmer even on a cloudy day, but this day was not cloudy and the summer sun is golden and strong its rays more then hot. Near the door of the Verandah a long white swing hung from chains of gold and swung as the wind pushed it softly back and forth. The windows are many in the front of the home, eight along the bottom and eight along the top and you can plainly see the red velvet drapes which hung within these brick walls through the windows as the drapes swayed in the breeze. They drapes framed these Victorian windows and seem to beckon all that came close. Around the sides of the mansion are equal numbers of windows and from within from each room overlooking the view of the hedges and finely trimmed lawn that could be seen setting the mood for a summer romance. Tiled red roof caps the home and sometimes when the rains came everyone inside could hear the dancing of the rain drops as the water falls from the clouds above, but there is no rain this day and only the suns heat beats down on the bright red tiles and down around the Plantation.
Anthony sat in the swing and waited adjusting his puffy white shirt silk ruffles that flowed under his chin. His strong hands moved to his black jacket and he felt the velvet lapels while he ran his strong fingers over it slowly feeling it softness under his touch. His black pants crisp in the suns of summer holding his legs like the hands of a lover. Eyes that are so dark you can see the very dreams of his youth in them and when the sun shines just right, a lady of worth could always see visions of dreams to come. His hair dark and long cascaded down along his shoulders small short curls dance in the breeze as he sat swinging slowly while he dreamed of her, eyes closed he drifts off to dream to a beach and visions of her when she came to him wearing her soft flowing white summer gown. His dreams are memories of another time they met and how she pulled the bow on her bosom of her womanhood, releasing her passion for him. He dreamed as he swung back and forth and the scent of the flowers filled his very mind and entered his soul. The red door swung open and tiny feet step out onto the Verandah into the light of day.
She walked with the grace of an angel. Her gowns were many but this day her mood was much more then passionate and her gown was made from the finest material that Italy has to offer. It's an Italian made tight like fire, from the 15th century, something she picked up on one of her many trips to some far away land where it was smuggled to her soulful eyes. It was gold in color with red piping along each of its edges, lace enhanced the gown along the front and down to her sweet tummy. The gown was made in two parts with an outer layer which broke away at the bottom to reveal a softer lower layer exposing red satin and it flowed in puffs wide at the bottom almost as if there were a small cloud underneath it making it full. The sleeves are a style called "broken sleeves" because every six inches they parted, showing the red silk from her under dress. Her shoulders are the only thing that held the very low cut dress top up as there where no straps to bind her. Her chest heaved mightly as she walked,the dress was tight along her breasts creating a feeling of being held firmly as if the dress was a part of her not just a dress. The puffy red dress could be seen extending above the tight overdress along her arms. Her soft sun lit hair fell along her shoulders caressing them lightly, it shines and falls free as she walked closer to him. Soft white pearls graced her neck and lightly fell along her heavy breasts kissing her like a lovers kiss would. She delicately held a fan of gold to keep her cool, she flutters it close to her face while she walked towards him as he dreams. She looked down at him almost aloof this day and a bit huffy as she can be at times. She fluttered the fan while she stood before him then she reached out as he slept and slapped him over the head with it then she went back to an innocent flutter to cool her stunning face.
Anthony woke up startled to see this belle before his eyes. She's was a vision of gold and red and overwhelmingly beautiful. She stared down at him he knew not why this happened and does not care to find out. Looking up at her he stood and took her in his arms twirling her around he dipped her very low as her hair fell back kisses her deeply out of pure love and mad desire. The kiss was full and very strong and reached into her very soul making her shake with the heat of his molten fire kiss. His tongue probed her lips as her breasts pushed against his chest as his eyes closed while he kissed her but being taken by surprise like this her eyes grew wide and full as she received his kiss in passionate protest. Her arms wide then swing around to grab his back holding him tightly her eyes close as she kisses back harder. Anthony swung her back up as her knees became weak making her sway as she pushed him away. In one motion she closes the fan and slaps him hard across his face turning him sharply. Her eyes filled with passionate contempt for she did not offer this kiss it was stolen by his lips. His eyes became enraged his heart filled with love and desire for her, he grabbed her gown at her shoulders, yanking it down fast exposing her creamy mounds of pleasure to his eyes and she gasped. He sat back on the swing and swayed while he looked into her soulful eyes. Quickly he glanced at her exposed hardened nipples large like quarters and raised like soft small strawberries atop here creamy mounds of satin her face was in an impending lovers blush. She lifted her gown and moved to him no longer could she wait with fire in her eyes she straddled him on the swing facing him then kisses him back hard their lips locked in the throws of the passionate love, she held for they are truly soul mates and they are one. They kissed long and deeply as her hands reach under her gown undoing his pants and grabbing his hardened manhood. Placing it along her slit beneath her sultry gown she hovered over him kissing his lips harder with each passing second,she slid herself over him and slipped back and forth again and again in deeply and then out as the swing swayed back and forth with the vibrations of them in the magic of the blend. Her flowing dress covered all they did and they made love like this for what seems to be hours but really only a short time. Anthony's hands felt her breasts while she slid herself in then back out slowly and he pulled on her nipples that begged to be sucked. She broke thier kiss and threw her head back,her eyes closed as waves upon waves of fast orgasms rush over her body like waves on a summers beach. She reared up and glared at him as she has gotten what she desires, complete rapture. She shook and slipped out kisses him hard as his eyes grow wider her tongue hot and her body throbbing. She broke the kiss she pulled up her gown top covering her breasts and she sashayed off the swing with his still hardened cock now in plain view and his breathing hard matching hers. Anthony stood before her amazed,his cock more then erect and she slapped him across the face and she walked away flipping her hair over her shouldering in a huff then she walked back into the mansion leaving him hard and wanting.
He covered himself and walked behind her grabbing her just inside the door twirling her around and kissing her fully and beyond completely.
Anthony's foot slammed the door shut to the world then he broke the kiss and he swept her up carrying her up the stairs and she could feel the power of his love. Her head fell into his chest as she submits and then sighs,
"Yes hmmm yes,yes,God yes."
The sun slid down behind the Plantation and only the sounds of soft love making could be heard as the suns fire reached its resting-place letting the night take over and leaving much to the imagination of the strangers that walked the dusty road outsides who could hear the two lovers scream out in savage passion and heated bliss all through the long erotic night. The moon rose slowly and the heavens filled with a red blush as each star shone the love of the world into the hearts of all who believe in God and His Love.

*~Dalton Anthony~*