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<br> <center>FAMILY SPIRIT</center>


||| ||| 71 things to do with your children ||| Foster kids grown up |||

This site is dedicated to promoting the well-being of the family. Our purpose is to find ways of helping families solve the immense problems they face today, with special emphasis on the children.

"The Best Interest of the Child" seems to get lost when some outsiders start to intrude themselves into the sanctity of the family unit. How long is it going to take our society to learn that the law is not the proper tool to use when dealing with family problems. What are the proper tools? I think love and common sense, unduluted by "the law" are the tools that are needed. There are many people in our communities whose character reflects their use of these tools in their everyday life. I know I would much rather have people of that description dealing with my family than those from some government agency, who though they may be christians are regulated by "policy" and laws meant for those who break the law, not family members facing family problems.

It would be very interesting and enlightening to see an unbiased evaluation of the Social Service System in this Country, but do you really think it's going to come from that system? When a question is raised as to the statistics on the abuse of children while under the care and control of the Social Service System, there is no viable answer. (To see for yourself, please refer to two of the sites at the top of this page: Victims of the system and Foster kids grown up.) You might expect it to be hard for a system, which sometimes loses track of its little charges, to keep track of the abuses these children suffer while under its protection.

Helpful sites
for those
who care about our children:

Los Angeles Alliance for Childhood

This site is the most informative, thorough, fact-based site you will find anywhere on the Internet about what is happening to our children in the "SYSTEM"
our children

Help for the falsely accused
false accusations

Children's Rights Council
Children's Rights

Who's protecting us from the "Protectors"? CPS Watch

News of our families across the nation Families under attack!

your comments are welcome

Suffer the little children to come unto me for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.
If your child is bipolar or has been diagnosed with ADHD or ODD, you may be eligible for SSI. Check this site and scroll down to Financial Help.


This is an excellent site for all kinds of information for parents -- we need all the help we can get; right?

Single parent's prayer

What does the Lord require of you? To seek justice and love kindness and walk humbly with your God.

Layman's law
Law in plain language as it should be.

find your favorite book, even if it's out of print!

Lord take me where you want me to go;
Let me meet who you want me to meet;
Tell me what you want me to say;
And keep me out of your way.
Father Mychal Judge, OFM
NYFD Chaplain
R.I.P. September 11, 2001

Prayer in a Garden

Today the world seemed cruel,
but evening hours
Were filled with perfume from forgotten flowers.
I saw again familiar filigree
Of moonlight through my lacy Lilac tree;
I heard the robins stirring in their nest;
And saw the path that fairy feet had pressed;
Reflected stars were in my garden pool;
On my warm face the breeze was kind and cool.
The silence seemed to speak,
my head was bowed,
Then ramblers that had grown into a cloud
Lifted my eyes that,
tear-washed, now could see
The beauty that today was lost to me.
Dear god, who is so near to flowers, and birds,
Be nearer still, as I shall search for words
To thank Thee for the blessings night revealed, Which through the day discouragement concealed.


For more lovely poetry such as this, and a lot more on a beautiful site

The Parents' Affirmation Of Imperfection

Its perfectly okay for me to be imperfect.
This includes not being a perfect parent.
This means that it`s okay
that I have already made a lot of mistakes as a parent

and that it`s okay
that I will make other mistakes in the future.

What`s not okay
is for me to pretend that I am perfect
and thereby hide my mistakes from myself.

Instead I will catch my mistakes with a smile
rather than a kick
and learn what they have to teach me.

That way, I won`t make the same mistakes too often,
and I`ll never be a perfect parent

and that`s okay,
because my goal is exellence, not perfection.

My Favorite Web Sites