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2002 EYH Workshop Descriptions

Here is all of the current workshop titles and descriptions:

1. Can Sticks and Stones Break My Bones?

2. Nanobiotechnology: What's That?

3. The Secret of Nim

4. Water Critters

5. ...And the Walls Came Tumblin' Down: Building an Earthquake-Resistant Building

6. How DNA technology can save the Earth's biodiversity

7. Colors and Chemistry

8. Sunny Weather or Knot

9. Symmetry and Tesselletations

10. Traveling with Viruses

11. The Incredible Edible Foam

12. The Secret is Increasing

13. ER

14. Ithaca is Gorges

15. Visitors from Space!

16. Galaxies Galore!

17. A Chemical Mystery

18. The Magical House

19. Crazy Cascadilla Creek!

20. Walk on the Wild Side

21. Turning Fields into Forests: Saving Tropical Forests with a Computer