Short narrative about the first time I kissed a girl. (Those of you who think girls give you cooties may skip this one. :))

In 4th grade, when I was 9 y/o, Mike was one of my best friends. As I noted elsewhere, Mike was the kid who talked me into going out for my brief but successful career as a YMCA wrestler. Mike and I slept over alot at each other's house. We did all the usual kid stuff like kick-soccer and playing hide-and-seek with the other kids around the neighborhood. One spring weekend during 4th grade, I was sleeping over at his house. We got into a game of hide-and-seek, and this game happened to include a girl in the neighborhood, Mary Lynn, as well as 4-5 of us boys.

After several preceding rounds, I became "It". I went looking for everyone, through all the other kids' backyards. After a little searching and no luck elsewhere, I looked inside this old shed in somebody's backyard. This was not quite dusk, but almost, and there was a little light left. The shed had no door, so anything or anyone inside was visible, but barely. Inside, I saw Mike and Mary Lynn - and they were kissing. He had his hands on the small of her back, and his head was turned slightly to the side and his eyes were closed, and his lips were on hers. She was standing there, leaning slightly away from him, and her eyes were closed, too. Just like the movies.

I remember distinctly how I felt at that moment. I was jealous of Mike, and I was tremendously excited. Kissing a girl - kissing, period - was so cool. I wanted that, too. I felt prickly-heat wash over my entire body. My penis had gotten stiff instantly when I saw them. I decided immediately on the spot that I would kiss her too, when my turn came - or try my hardest.

I was taken with the heat of the moment; but in the back of my mind, I still knew we had a game to play, and I was "It". After a second or two, my competitive instincts reasserted themselves, and I yelled "GOTCHA!!" or something equally profound. They jumped, naturally. I don't remember exactly what they did, because I was busy rushing the shed and tagging Mike before he could get away. (Why Mike and not Mary Lynn? He was my bud, and of course I was going to get him; no nine-year-old boy would do otherwise). I yelled across the yards "Mike's It!"; the others gathered back at the home-base tree; Mike started his countdown; and we all fled. Oddly enough, somehow I found myself running the same way as Mary Lynn... We dodged around a hedge and crouched behind it.

I guess I was in a crafty frame of mind, or maybe I just had a lucky lightbulb go off over my head - but for some reason, at that moment I thought of a great way to get Mary Lynn in the same shed. In hindsight, I don't know why I had to kiss her in the shed, but it seemed important at the time. At any rate, I whispered, "Hey! Let's go to the shed! He'll never think of looking for us in the same place I caught him!" Mary Lynn smiled. I don't know if she wanted to kiss me, or wanted to kiss any boy she was with; or maybe she just thought my plan was a good one. But for whatever reason, when I got up she immediately headed with me to the shed.

As soon as we were inside, like within two seconds, I kissed her. I followed Mike's example and put my hands around her on her back, and then just put my lips on hers. Just like the movies. I had this idea you were supposed to do something with your tongue, but I wasn't sure what exactly; so I figured I'd go with the lips first and then figure it out. I can't recall clearly what Mary Lynn did in return. She definitely kissed me back, but my recollection is that she didn't bring quite as much enthusiasm to the encounter as I did.

I had a very physical reaction to this kiss - I was already starting to get an erection when we were crouched behind the hedge, and as soon as we got inside the shed and I kissed her, my weenie went fully stiff. I'd already been masturbating for two years, so I knew what was happening, and why. I remember very vividly the feeling of connection between my lips and my cock. I knew my erection was connected to kissing, and that I liked what was happening alot.

I didn't do anything to make Mary Lynn aware of my condition. I wasn't shy, and with more time I undoubtedly would have taken additional steps in that direction. I don't know exactly what I would've done. Already, even at what I'd now call my "pre-awareness" stage of sexuality, I knew girls were different than boys. I knew that boys got stiffies and talked about them, and that it was cool. Girls weren't like that. In any event, it's probably a good thing I didn't do anything to make her aware. She might've told her mom or something if it had gone that far. This was down South in the 1960s, remember...

Well, none of this lasted very long. I kissed her 2-3 times in a row in there, I think - little 4-second smooches. I never figured out what do do about my tongue, so I just skipped that part. Then we heard somebody come near the shed and we froze - quit what we were doing, and got real quiet. Whoever it was kept going. But that was the end of the kissing. I waanted to do it again, but somehow it was a different mood. And not long after that, we heard the yelling as Mike tagged some other kid, and so it was back to the tree for another round.

I don't remember how the game went after that. You know how it is right after a peak experience - your memory gets fuzzy about what follows. But I do remember Mike and I talking about it in bed later that night. He had bunk beds, and I was in the top and he was on the bottom. He started bragging about kissing her, and I told him I had done it, too. He called me a liar, and I told him to suck my weenie (a big-time insult in 4th grade), and back and forth it went. Eventually we let that go, and started talking about the kissing itself. I don't remember what we said, but I'm sure it was along the lines of "I kissed her 3 times, so I'm a bigger stud that you!" "Oh yeah? Well, you didn't see what I did!" ... etc. I guess we drifted into some other topics, eventually, and then I guess we drifted off to sleep after that.

The spring ended without any further kissing. We went our various ways over the summer; I saw Mike a number of times, but I don't recall running into Mary Lynn. After school started that fall, Mary Lynn was in another 5th-grade class, and so I never got to see her that often, much less repeat my adventure, although I was daydreaming about it off and on.

Of course, at the end of that summer I went to Y-camp, and that was when I began to wake up sexually, with our "grab-the-weenie" game, and trying to go further with Joe... And then, that same 5th-grade year, I got to be close friends with Alex, and the following summer we proved that boys can have fun with each other as well as with girls. After that, I didn't look back for a long time.

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