For a week after we first did it, I couldn't get Alex out of my mind, and that definitely included his new boxers. As I said, I took his switch from briefs to boxers as a sign of sexual maturity, and coolness. Of course he was a long way from the physical signs of sexual maturity (i.e., puberty). But this was a statement of readiness. Older boys, teenagers, boys with big dicks and big balls and pubic hair, boys who could shoot sperm - those boys wore boxers. Little boys wore briefs. Boxers were cool. Like smoking cigarettes. Like sex. Like what Alex and I had done.

I decided I had to get some boxers, and I asked my mom to buy me some. I thought she would ask me a bunch of questions; she had always bought my underwear before, and I never paid much attention to what she brought home, so I was expecting to hear, "Since when do you care about your underwear? Why do you want to switch, anyway?". But she didn't ask any questions. She just bought me some from Kmart that same week. I remember all the stuff she got for me on that trip, in fact: the boxers, two pairs in the package; a 3-pack of plain white T-shirts; some crew socks (there's a theme here, isn't there? :)); and a new light switch for my bedroom (the old switch was worn out - I replaced it a day or two later.)

I still remember those boxers like it was yesterday, too. One pair was white with little symbols (green, I think) that looked like stop signs - kind of hard to describe. The other pair was plain blue and white stripes.

My mom's shopping trip was in the evening. I was going to wear my new boxers to sleep in that night (I've slept in my underwear since around age 6), but for some now-forgotten reason I didn't. When I woke up the next morning, it was one of the first things I thought about - "I get to wear my new boxers! Cool!" (Does this sound like I needed a life, or what?? What can I say? It was exciting :)).

I took my shower still thinking about my boxers, and I had an erection from that thought. I don't remember if I got it before or during my shower, but it wouldn't go away. Toweling off made it stiffer, as usual. I went back to my bedroom and got out the stop-sign pair of boxers and put them on. I stayed stiff. It was pretty erotic. I started fantasizing about sucking Alex's dick and him sucking mine, each of us with our boxers on. Within a minute or two, I had my weenie between my fingers, jerking off inside my new underwear. Dry orgasm, no mess, of course. But it was a good climax.

I wore them all day, and I was stiff off and on all day. There was a constant awareness of something different under my shorts. I can't remember everything we did that day. No swimming - I would remember changing :). Part of the afternoon I hung out with friends, playing backyard baseball and soccer. Nice, lazy summer day. I remember running during both games, and having my hard little weenie poke out of the fly in my boxers and rub against my shorts as I ran. It was a weird feeling, for a boy accustomed to briefs; but I liked it :). Another memory is riding my bike, and having the boxers get all bunched up in my crotch. I didn't like that. (For the longest time, I couldn't figure out how to keep it from happening, and actually, it still happens if I'm not careful. If anyone's curious, the strategy is to push them straight down your thighs after you get your pants pulled all the way up. It's no guarantee, but it helps. Bike-riding is a perpetual problem if you wear boxers, though.)

I know I didn't see Alex that day. That I would remember :). Alex and I had hung out together for one afternoon since our boy-sex venture, but nothing sexual had taken place - our second time came 4-5 days after this day. Actually it was weeks later before I finally got to show off my new boxers to Alex, although of course I told him immediately the first I saw him after switching. When he finally got to see them, we ended up... well, that's another story :).

I masturbated again three times that day, making four in all. That was more than the norm for that first post-virginity week, but not much - I was doing it at least 2-3 times daily. That whole week was pure afterglow from what Alex and I had done, and I replayed it endlessly. This day the new boxers added fuel. One time was in the middle of the backyard baseball game, after one of those base-hit runs where my boner got rubbed from the friction. It was too much, so I went into Josh's bathroom and did it, fast. I had to pee, so it was partly out of necessity - I don't know that I could've gotten soft enough, otherwise. The third time was right before dinner, and the last time was in bed that night. I slept in the boxers, of course, and that was exciting. I got my pillow down between my legs and humped it with my cock sticking out of the fly, pretending the pillow was Alex's butt. Not anal sex, but a fantasy of my dick between his butt cheeks. I orgasmed that way. I didn't always come from humping my pillow, and if not, I finished by hand. But I was hot with lust that night, and all that week.

I wore the other pair the next day, Sunday. Sunday afternoons, we often went to visit relatives, or they came to see us. It's an old Southern custom. This day was no different. We went around to see a couple of different aunts and uncles. I guess the edge was starting to wear off, or maybe it was visiting with the relatives (not exciting). At any rate, I didn't have chronic-erection syndrome that day. I got hard a few times, but not like the previous day. I beat off only twice that day - once when I woke up, and again that night.

Funny story about that Sunday and my boxers: At one relatives' house, I was hanging out with my cousins Joey and Randy. They were 3 and 4.5 years younger than me, respectively. We sat on the floor and played the board game Candyland, which was about the only game Randy could play at 6 y/o. I was sitting on the floor cross-legged, wearing my cutoffs, and in the middle of the game Randy pointed at my thigh and said, "What's that, Danny?" He was pointing at where my boxers had crept down out of the leg opening of my shorts, with a couple of inches visible. I hadn't noticed until he called my attention to it. I laughed, and was about to answer, but then Joey said "It's his underwear, stupid! Haven't you seen underwear before?" They shoved each other a few times, and then we all went back to the game. One of many Candyland interruptions, in fact :).

The next day, of course, both pairs were in the laundry, so it was back to plain old white briefs. Probably just as well. I was constantly sore that week from so much jacking off. My mom was always slack about getting to the laundry, so it was probably more than a week before I got to wear them again.

Over the next month or so I got the newness of it worked out of my system, and I could wear the boxers without getting a permanent boner. I asked my mom for more, and she bought a second 2-pack; now I had four pairs. I really, really liked them. Even aside from the sexual aspect, they were genuinely comfortable. I liked the looseness - "freedom". Eventually, after puberty commenced and my testicles got bigger and started hanging down between my legs, I found out that briefs had their merits - in sports, particularly. All that running and jumping and moving around made me realize: There's such a thing as too much freedom :). I became a switch-hitter, underwear-wise. I'm still that way today.

A few fashion footnotes:

  • All through my boyhood years and into adulthood, until sometime in the 1980s when guys' shorts finally got longer, I had the warm-weather problem of my boxers hanging out the bottom of my shorts. Back then shorts were much shorter than they are now, and I had a good 2-3 inches exposed down below where my shorts ended, if I didn't leave them all scrunched up in my crotch. At first I was slightly self-conscious about the boxers showing. I didn't care about it per se, but other people, my mom in particular, seemed to find it tacky and gave me a hard time. Finally when I was in college around the early 80s, showing off your boxers that way got to be a fad, and I saw other guys wearing them that way on purpose. (This was prior to baggy clothes and the fad of showing off the upper part of your boxers. I liked the leg thing better. I guess the manufacturers couldn't figure out a way to get their logos to show up down on the leg as easily :)).
  • It's ironic that now, boxers are a big fad for boys. It's especially ironic that boys seem to want to switch from briefs to boxers right around 10- 11-12 years old. That is, of course, right when puberty is about to start - and they really need their briefs, for support. I see many boys playing basketball or soccer or whatever, wearing boxers under their shorts. I cringe when I see a boy go for a layup or something, and he winces and grabs his crotch. Fashion is stupid, sometimes. But who am I to talk? I did it, too :)).
  • Which reminds me of another change over the years: Kids don't wear jockstraps anymore. I can't say I blame them. I hated wearing a jock. I always thought of them as medieval torture devices. I never felt that they gave me any additional support, over and above regular briefs. (Of course, I am smaller than average in the testicle department... :)) We weren't required to wear them for soccer, either youth-league or school (some kids did; some kids, including me, didn't.) But I participated in three other sports where I did wear a jockstrap, at least sometimes: swimming, tennis, and wrestling. I developed a strong dislike for jocks, primarily because I have a bubble-butt, and the elastic leg straps on a jock apparently are designed strictly for your typical male with a flat (i.e., nonexistent) butt. Those leg straps kept creeping down my buttocks instead of lying across them, and within half an hour of being active, the front of the jock was loose and I was flopping around inside. I've never worn the cup-type jocks - maybe they're an improvement. If I were playing soccer nowadays, or definitely anything like hockey, I'd buy one of the cup supporters. Otherwise, I think I'll skip the whole thing.

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