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drugs. *sigh* what can i possibly say to you to make you understand?? everyone in life expiriments. everyone. it's life. that's what you do. you figure out what feels good to you and you try things and you test everything to the limit. i've tried everything- coke, herion, speed, mushrooms, acid, extasy- name it and i've probably tried it, even some weird fucked up shit (except crack. i never got around to trying crack) but after while you start to look at yourself and you say "wait a minute. i keep coming down- and i dont want to come down. i want to stay high. i want to forget my problems, i want to feel GOOD. I want this drink, i want this line, i want this dose..." then it's out of control, and it's no longer fun. your just supressing your feelings. your not growing as a person. your not looking at life and embracing it, because your too fucked up all the time.

don't get me wrong, i've learned a shit-load from drugs that i wouldn't have learned otherwise. if i had never had my little drugged out part of my life i would probably be some yuppie shopping somewhere being a bitch to everyone. besides, i still like to do a lot of drugs. just not all the time.

it's just that you have to take the drug on in a SPIRITUAL sense (and i'm talking about drugs that give you realizations- acid, mushrooms, peyote, mescaline. even ganja should be used in a spiritual way.) these sorts of mind altering states help you to reach parts of your brain and reality that you wouldn't normally be able to have access too. and it's a beautiful thing.

i'm not one to preach at all. i'm just giving my view point, and what i've learned in my journeys so far. i used to do all sorts of drugs every chance that i could get. i loved it, and i dont regret it one bit. it's life, i learned what i needed to learn from those experiences and have gained much knowledge and life from it. i've taken that knowledge and i have become more careful about my use of mind altering states. I now know my limits, and myself a lot better. and i think that by all means everyone should try everything once. shit, life's too short for tight shoes, and your not going to remember this lifetime in the next one- so fucking wake up and rage. LIVE!

Every individual reacts differently to every chemical.
Know your Body - Know your Mind - Know your Substance -
Know your Source.
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